I love two handed weapons. Mainly because if I used a 1 hander, it only makes sense to use a shield, but I hate how you cannot place your shield on your back when you aren't using it. It's either in your hand or not on your person, which is bothersome to me. Here's hoping they fix that in the future. Basically, I'm just disappointed in the legendary (if that's what they are called) two handed weapons in Skyrim. I am glad they fixed the Ebony Blade with one of the latest patches, however, I typically play a good character, and I can't justify killing followers for the sake of powering up my weapon. Wuuthrad would be my go to weapon of choice, however, you can't upgrade the thing with smithing, which pretty much makes it a non-option. You have the Rueful Axe as an option, but that one isn't really worthwhile imo. At least DB added the Skaal blade, but the design of it doesn't really do it for me.
This is only worth bringing up because of the wealth of one handed weapons that you get throughout your time playing, a lot of which fit many different characters/backstories. I only really started using two handers in Skyrim, but I remember from Morrowind a lot of cool two handed swords and weapons. I don't know what was in Oblivion, but at least they had Umbra. Why did they ever destroy that weapon?
Basically, I wish Skyrim would've included more robust unique weapon offerings. I wish they would have made smithing a universally applicable skill. Sorry for complaining, I am just in that point through my playthrough where I realize there isn't a weapon that I'm really going to look forward to having. I can't use one handed weapons, I just can't.