Two Handed Vs One Handed

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:41 pm

For conversational purposes let’s just say you had to make a warrior and play a good while with him, would you pick the one handed skill tree or two and why?

Personally I haven’t had much experience with any of the two handed weapons but I’ve seen NPCs use them and they look rather devastating. The only times I’ve actually used them I couldn’t help but to think “This is terribly slow” and I thought it would hinder me in battles. So I mainly use Maces/Swords and the occasional axe. Right now I’m using an Orcish mace with my Nord, things are actually going pretty well with it. I love the ignore armor perk that comes with it, can’t wait to get Molag-Bal’s.

So, opinions on OHvsTH?
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:01 pm

I prefer One-Handed weapons, mainly because it adds more variety. I could use a mace in one hand for high damage and a dagger in the other for speedy attacks. I could use a Daedric sword in one hand and a healing spell in the other so I don't have to rely on potions all the time. To me, two-handed weapons seem clunky..and slow..
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:05 am

Do 2-handed weapons stagger enemies more? If they don't, they should have that advantage.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:51 am

I have a lvl 26 duel wielder so I have a good amount of experience with that kind of playstyle. I also have a lvl 16 2hander. I have little experience with 1h and shield.

I find that duel wielding is superior to 2h later on in the game because of the perk that increases power attacks damage by 50% and the amount of stamina you have. I find that duel wielding is all about stamina and it becomes far more powerfull as you level up.

2hand weapon playstyles I find to be just as strong early game but after a while your power will go down as NPCs can take more hits and your rather vunerable because of how slow you are. Power attacks are even weaker than the duel wield power attacks(the flurry one). However, the normal attacks with the 2hander do feel superior to the duel wielding ones.

Most of my characters will use 1 hand weapons, but I really do like the 2h weapon playstyle.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:26 pm

I run shield/ax mainly. Two handed seems like the middle ground between dual and sword-and-board, and I'm not sure what strengths it can combine to cover the weaknesses of both.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:22 pm

My Nord specializes in two handed weapons, and is using orcish warhammer.

My Imperial specializes in one handed weapons, and is currently using an ancient nord war axe.

So to answer your question. I prefer two handed weapons, because I find them more effective. Yes it's slow but devastating. Plus I love bashing skulls with warhammer.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:40 am

I see most of you agree with me on the two-handed “too slow” philosophy. I’d like someone who uses two-handed weapons to actually tell me a decent play style to use when running a build with these weapons because it’s not like I don’t want to play with them. Who doesn’t want to run around with a huge axe and chop people off at the waist. Also some of the best weapons I find in the game are two handers.
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Isabella X
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:33 pm

The biggest frustration I've encountered with 2h weapons is that due to the fact that you can't cancel an attack mid-swing to block an incoming attack, 2h fighting becomes just a crazed attempt to burn the enemy down before they do the same to you. I get that they shouldn't be as defensive as a 1h/shield, but it almost seems like you have to go out of your way to block an attack by just sitting there waiting for the enemy to make a move (much akin to Oblivion's combat of two people sitting there with their shields up for an eternity, waiting to be the one that can get the counter attack) which in the end isn't a very enjoyable playstyle, and it only works if there's only one enemy left anyway. Sadly, the only other option is to just keep swinging and tanking hits head on, which doesn't bode well for your reservoir of health potions.

Ultimately, 2h combat comes down to getting a rhythm down for doing power attacks at just the right time that you keep an opponent staggered for as much of the fight as possible, but due to the slow animation speed and the fact that it's incredibly common for the AI to just back out of range of the attack, it can get really, REALLY frustrating fighting ranged attackers (especially frost mages). Combat vs melee is generally darting into range and taking a quick swing on an enemy inbetween their attacks if they have a 2h as well, and trying to time it so that your power attacks are mid-swing just as the enemy gets into range of you so that you can hit and stagger them, then back off and wait for stamina to regen and repeat. Elemental Fury shout and liberal (ab)use of minor stamina potions is almost mandatory for higher difficulties, especially dragons.

1h/shield is definitely my preferred playstyle, as it gives the player the greatest control available as far as melee combat goes. I refuse to use anything other than a sword or dagger for a melee weapon, too, on account of the swing animations (and the fact that you can't interrupt them to block) being considerably faster than the axes or maces. The time between when I make an attack with my sword and the time that I can raise my shield to block an attack or shield bash is almost a third of how long it is if you're doing it with a 2h sword.

If I fight a blood dragon with my 1h/shield khajiit I can kill it with no potions, shouts, and very limited restoration use and be perfectly fine, but if I try it with my 2h orc I need to drink multiple health and stamina potions, as well as a resist draught, shouts, long breaks to run off and heal with restoration, and in some cases berzerk. The orc is 7 levels higher and neither have touched smithing.

I don't think I'll ever use DW to any great length. You can't even move with WSAD when you're attacking with both weapons at once, and attacking with just one may as well be done with a shield, because the added defense severely outweighs the increased attack speed perk.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:56 pm

If you want more speed for two-handed weapons go for the greatsword it is faster but you still will not get the speed of dual wielding. I must admit that dropping dragons in 3-4 hits with my warhammer on master difficulty is pretty fun even if it is slow hehe :D
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:53 am

Im playing on expert with a level 41 nord who specializes in two-handed axes. Its a very effective and enjoyable build imo.

Its easy to win melee fights, cause you can keep most enemies staggered constantly. You dont really need to block at all. And the sweep perk is great when you get surrounded.

When fighting archers and mages you can use the charge to close the distance quickly and stagger them. The only problem i have is frost mages who can drain your stamina before you get to them.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:30 pm

IMO, 2Handers < 1Handers anyday,
I wield a Warhammer smithed to perfection with no perks in any tree except Smithing, and have loads of fun bashing everything into the ground. >:D
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:39 am

Actually there are two-handed onehanders, ironically enough.

Daikatanas(EBONY BLADE 4example) and a unique waraxe of unknown name

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:31 pm

My two-handed warrior specialises in axes, but is dual wielding maces now (to level up more) - Once I've got it to 100 I'll go back to two-hander, I enjoyed it a lot more. I've spent perks in both trees, though I haven't put any points in weapon specialization in 1-handed (just upped it's damaged, dual-wielding speed and dual damage). Smashing a lovely two-handed axe power attack down ontop of a dragon's head is so much fun (or anything's head to be honest!)
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:23 pm

For my first character I picked a Nord who prefers two-handed. It just seemed more Nord like. Kind of a barbarian character with light armor.

I also did that because I thought that in Oblivion two-handed was not as good as one handed with a shield, and was hoping that would be fixed.

It's okay against many enemies, but I had trouble with Falmers and Chauruses at level 5 or 6. I'm now at level 7 and debating whether I want to continue with two handed or start another character with one handed for a first playthrough. So this thread is interesting to me.

Also I"ve found that I really need a ranged attack. That was not my original intention but it makes combat much easier. At level 6 or so there was a Falmer Gloomlurker I could not kill with melee alone. So I used a bow for the first time and it was much easier. It's also difficult for me to see how you can effectively deal with Dragons with two-handed only.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:44 am

I prefer One-Handed weapons, mainly because it adds more variety. I could use a mace in one hand for high damage and a dagger in the other for speedy attacks. I could use a Daedric sword in one hand and a healing spell in the other so I don't have to rely on potions all the time. To me, two-handed weapons seem clunky..and slow..

Although you are in certain ways right, you yourself are describing dual wield.

For dual wield power attacks, there is only ONE animation, and you almost never, get any special animations.
Once, I managed to get a decapitation after 400 kills after getting the perk, on a none power attack.

Dual wield also offer the highest damage and honestly, is unbalanced.

2h have better reach, is more balanced for game longevity purpose and is overall the only choice if youw ant to be a true melee dps and enjoy the game.
1h+shield or 2h is the only way to go imo, unless you go dual wield daggers.
Otherwise, stay clear of dual wield for the reason that when perked out, its doing unbalanced damage.

Also, with 2h you get alot more, ALOT more insta killing blows due to crits then with dual wield.

You dont need ranged at all in this game but you need patience.

Once dragons do land, you will kill them fast with melee if you time it right.

The poster above going Nord and light armor. Stay at it. Trust me, you will enjoy it ALOT more, as it will be more challenging, but also more rewarding.

Heavy armor with smithing in this game makes you close to untouchable by most enemies.
Light armor have much better perks, suits the region more, is overall a better armor just that you take more damage. And with the exploring you want to do, light armor is a lightyear ahead when it comes to comfort, due to massively longer sprint times, and the perk tree is incredibly much better.

Just stay clear of enchanting, at all costs.
You can invest a little in blacksmithing but overdo this and you will break the game balance, but wont realize it until you are 20-30+ and wish you did not place any points into secondary skills.

Its hard at start but once you get higher it will get a tad easier.
If you want the game to be easy, its easy to do so. But you will regret it alot.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:21 pm

Dual Wielding is the best.

You got more damage than two handed.

The fact you don't have a block skill does't matter either. You will have such a great mobility and move so fast you can avoid almost any blow.

It's almost impossible to hit kiting targets with a two hander, like frost mages for instance.
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KIng James
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:39 am

I just like using one handed more.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:41 pm

Dual Wielding is the best.

You got more damage than two handed.

The fact you don't have a block skill does't matter either. You will have such a great mobility and move so fast you can avoid almost any blow.

It's almost impossible to hit kiting targets with a two hander, like frost mages for instance.

Duel wielding when you have the 70 perk is unbalanced.
Yes it does the most damage, by far. But is for those that wants to make a character that can kill anything, very fast and steam roll the game.

if you want to play melee damage, you go 2h with light armor and no secondary professions. This will get you the most out of the game, most fun and enjoy thrilling combat.
If you enjoy one shotting giants and dragons, sure, go dual wield and let me know when you reroll after 30-50hrs of game play and regret you didnt listen to my advice to stay clear of dual wield.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:13 pm

IMO, 2Handers < 1Handers anyday,
I wield a Warhammer smithed to perfection with no perks in any tree except Smithing, and have loads of fun bashing everything into the ground. >:D

Think you may have gotten that backwards :P

Me I prefer my sword and board character. I think the shield adds a bit of strategy instead of just power attacking. I also find it very satisfying bashing heads in with my shield.
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rolanda h
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:25 am

My first character, level 48, is a 2h'er, duh :P
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:01 am

I just use a shout like fire breath to stagger frost mages then it is all over for them before they recover. Big hammer will kill most non bosses with 2-3 swings (at least at my level 20ish on Exp)

Being a Nord helps with Frost mages too :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:25 pm

i play a stealth character but have a two handed orcish sword that absorbs stamina which is awsome. I pretty much kill bandits in two hits (expert level) with no perks in 2h.
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james kite
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:29 am

Currently playing a 2H warrior after having played a 1H/Shield warrior. A 2H style doesn't really have any advantages and gives up a lot of utility and defense compared to 1H/Shield. The only reason to use a 2H weapon really is for rp reasons and the aesthetics of playing a 2H warrior. From a gameplay perspective 1H/Shield is definitely superior.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:22 pm

On harder difficulties I was having difficulty with elder dragons and casters nearly 1 shotting me with spells as a dual wield. Being able to bash them and stop them for doing whatever put a stop to that. One hand/shield and two hand is superior for that reason IMO. The damage from dual wield is trivial after awhile anyway.
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Baby K(:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:49 pm

For me, 1H + shield with heavy armor + steed stone feels more strategic, bashing them with the shield when the enemy launches a power attack or raising the shield when an archer or a mage attacks you, followed with a power attack of your sword.
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