Two handed warrior!

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:13 am

Hello all, I had the idea of playing a two handed heavy hitter. His personlity is I don't care what is in the room...I am a boss. Well, that personlity didn't last after the first hallway. Two foes turned into 5. This mage came out and I got hit in the face with an icicle. It slowed me and then it looked like a mosh pit upon my dead body.

What is the best way to go about this character?

Rules of the boss warrior:

No sneak
No shield
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:02 pm

in my opinion, playing a 2h war is all about CD management. Like being able to cast a scroll of healing when fighting 4 guys, or saving your shout for a mage, so that u cant just instamtly rush them. once you learn how to manage all uyour CDs, it super fun playing 2h
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Lily Something
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:33 am

in my opinion, playing a 2h war is all about CD management. Like being able to cast a scroll of healing when fighting 4 guys, or saving your shout for a mage, so that u cant just instamtly rush them. once you learn how to manage all uyour CDs, it super fun playing 2h

You mean "once you realize that you have to use many more buttons and still get a lesser outcome to dual-wielding or sword and shield" it can be "fun" if you enjoy tedium? On Adept level difficulty, two-handed builds can be "ok". On anything about that though, if you aren't rushing Smithing, they have major problems.

-Power attacks with two-handed weapons do less damage than dual-wielding (by quite a bit actually)
-Power attacks with two-handed weapons do not have nearly the range as the power attacks done by NPCs
-When you power attack with a two-handed weapon, it is ultra slow and leaves you open for a Loooong time. Once you commit, it better hit.
-Even when a two-handed power attack hits, at least half of the time, if not more it does not stagger and enemies are free to do whatever they want while you're in your SLOOOOW recovery phase
-Hitbox issue with enemy two-handed weapons. They literally have two to three times the reach as you using the same weapon and they almost never get staggered unless they are in robes.
-Two-handed weapons only start getting useful after you can get the perk that hits multiple enemies (in front of you), but this still does not make up for the lack of everything else
-You can block with a two-handed weapon, but on any difficutly above Adept, this is completely irrelevant and you may as well be using two one-handed weapons.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:24 am

2handed is good to combine with something like archery like i did. most enemys get taken down with arrows before they reach me, and those that are strong enough run right into a power attack of my 2handed sword killing them
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:50 pm

2-hand warrior is awesome! Having loads of fun with my Paladin. But yeah, mages can be nasty. My strategy against them is try and dodge their magic as much as possible or use the terrain to my advantage, like hiding behind a corner and waiting for them to come towards me or triggering a trap in their face. Sprint + Power Attack is very useful to get straight up in their faces.

But I usually run around with a companion and he's mostly targeted, which makes things a tad more easy. XD

Knowing what combos to use at which times is also a good thing to learn, some attacks can be pretty much suicide, like the forward power attack.

Anywho, once you've maxed out the Two-Hand tree you'll be doing so much damage, adept difficulty won't be too much fun anymore, lol. XD
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Jack Walker
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:08 pm

Look to the various 2 hander warriors in real life fiction/films you will see a trend, Conan is a great example deadly in combat but even he as a two-hander uses sneak..

Im playing as a two hander myself I use sneak to scout out enemies and manauver to take out strongest threat then clean up the rest of the enemies, As the boss warrior I have to think about each fight before engaging I need to hit hard and fast if I just walk through engaging the weaker foes first it leaves tougher enemies free reign to unleash on me, I am not the juggernaught (Knight) who can fight that style.
Also pick your standing stones wisely, Most warriors opt for warrior stone at start I chose thief as Im using warrior skills so they raise fast just needed to complement that, I have since switched to the Lord's Stone (one of the best for 2 handers as you can take more punishment from casters and melee alike)

Skills I focused on are:

2 Handed
Heavy Armour

Skills to compliment are:

Alchemy (for heals and stamina rejuv potions)

Non essential skills I have perked to minor extent:

Pick Pocket (aimed to get more carry capacity)
Speechcraft (I like gold)

I am also thinking about enchantment at later lvls to compliment my smithing but will see how it goes

Currently I use a few shouts whirlwind sprint, Ice form, Slow time, Fire breath depending on the situation (got disarm recently which might be handy but not got the soul to test it out)

I also find praying to talos very handy as this type of fighter :hubbahubba:
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:14 pm

Look to the various 2 hander warriors in real life fiction/films you will see a trend, Conan is a great example deadly in combat but even he as a two-hander uses sneak

The ignored stealth, despite all that fog. They went for the double team instead.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:28 pm

I also find praying to talos very handy as this type of fighter :hubbahubba:

Just on the blessing of talos, is it supposed to reduce shout cooldown?

My character may have been bugged it says reduce cooldown to 0% and does nothing..
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