I hope dev(s) come across this and make it possible to equip shields with two handed weapons. Realistically if I fought with a claymore, I would have a shield on my back in case a/some archers started firing at me. I would be able to hold my claymore with one hand and block in coming arrows. This would not only be for archers also against anyone/thing with a POWERFUL hit and/or against fire from a dragon and/or magic from a wizard.
Also for just having a shield equiped when not in battle in case someone/thing attacks you out of nowhere, so you can raise you shield and block fast.
EDIT - Also this is PRIMARILY about being able to equip and block with a shield while equipped with a two handed weapon, and after putting the shield on your back being able to fight again with your two handed weapon.
ALSO EDIT - A secondary could be having a perk being able to fight with a two handed weapon one handed and only after you have 100 strength and 100 endurance, and you take a penalty to damage output, and not be able to do perhaps some two handed attacks.
I really hope this gets implemented. Also devs please check out - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1159022-tes-v-skyrim-new-things-that-should-be-imo/
Thank you,