Why do two handed weapons have a lower damage rating than single handed weapons of the same level/material?
Why do two handed weapons have a lower damage rating than single handed weapons of the same level/material?
No idea I'm afraid, I only go with the bow and dagger myself. I'll be crafting a sword
for the civil war though. Two handers never appealed to me, I haven't used them once or
maces. Though, two handers have ended the lives of many of my dead is dead characters, I respect them.
What is your one hand skill and what is your two hand skill?
The level of those determine the damage a weapon does as well as perks.
Iron Sword - 9 damage
Iron Greatsword - 16 damage
I don't see it.
*facepalms* It also depends on the level of the skills. With a high one handed skill and a much lower two handed skill then one handed weapons will generally do more damage, besides one handed weapons do more damage per second than two handed ones, you could swing a one handed weapon twice in the time it would take to swing a two handed weapon.
Correction, most one handed weapons can be swung by the time you can swing a two handed weapon TWICE!
Don't beat yourself up. He posted the base damage of those weapons.
I'm fairly confident that Pistol is well aware of how skill level effects weapon damage. The OP is obviously not looking at the base damage and is going by the currently displayed in his current menu at his current level with his current skill and current perks.
After reading that one book on the ebony blade doing so just does not make sense in my opinion.
You still could have answered with it depends on the level of the two skills plus possibly perks. rather than comparing the base damage though.
It sounds like you use one handed, so your skill in it is higher than two handed, so there is higher base damage.
And be the, what, fourth to repeat that obvious thing?
2h weapons have more base damage than 1h weapons. Therefore, in a control situation 2h weapons do more damage than 1h. Nothing else needs to be said.