The question we now need to ask is how this effects the 'Glowing Sea!' Would we have two zones with radiation storms, or would only one area be affected due to the presence of some other anomaly?
your theories are starting to get a little too close to "half life 3 confirmed".
The point is that whatever caused the crater we see in the concept art would be much too far away to be the detonation we see from above the vault. It is also in the wrong direction in relation to the vault, as confirmed if you zoom out on,-71.3538,10/2077.10.23/14:47 image. Also, the concept art clearly shows a massive level of destruction around the crater consistent with a nuclear blast, and so it stands to reason that there would have been at least two detonations.
2 Bombs is possible.From what I've seen in the trailer I'd say that one hit somewere south-east of concord.The one from the artworks seems to have hit somewere just north of Boston.
If the image you posted is the correct direction of the explosion of the trailer,It is actually perfectly compatible with the crater from the concept art.
Blast radius, and survivability at any specific distance would greatly depend on the bomb yield. 4 miles and change would be fine for a sub-100 kiloton bomb, but, starting going beyond that, and the 'total destruction' radius expands scarily.
If you zoom out a couple of steps on the 'SunCalc' link, you can see 'Somerville' on the map, which is basically the same area as Prospect Hill. Looking at the image, the yellow line (which would be the position of the sun at sunrise: 7:08 am Boston time) and the orange line (position of the sun at 9:47 am) are both in the wrong place. The shadows cast above the vault just before the nuke detonates are almost exactly behind the people standing in this area in relation to the fence.
The further away from the vault we go, the more we can see this discrepancy. Because of the very slight angle of the shadows, the point of impact would actually be just to the left of the orange line. And so as we get near to Prospect Hill, we would be looking at an impact somewhere just South of Brookline. And this simply does not match what we see in the concept art.
Now that you mention it the crater seems to me to be spot on in Somerville
EDIT:I mean the concept art crater.
The two missing rockets from the mobile may well be pure coincidence, or it could be one of many easter eggs put into the game by the devs.
Either way, the evidence is very clear that we are most likely looking at two separate detonations in the Greater Boston area. And even if there was no evidence to suggest this, do you really think that only one low-yield nuke would have been fired at such a large area?
If we want to take concept arts for granted we see three nuclear blasts in the last Drawing.
Concept art is just that: Concept art. Although much of the concept art that we were shown is strikingly similar to the in-game footage, it does not mean that everything in the artwork will make it into the game, or look identical. The concept art is one of the first steps in creating the game world, and it's quite possible that the devs changed their minds about where the bomb fell. Note that when he mentions the glowing sea, Todd only says "bomb" (singular).
As for the Rocket mobile... I thought the three pre-war rockets represented the three family members, and post-war, there's only one left... The Sole Survivor.
As a resident of real life Concord MA I'm not buying that the wooden bridge we see in the E3 demo is the Old North Bridge; unless they have radically changed the layout of the monument, the stuff surrounding it , and practically everything about it, it can't be the same thing. Where do you see "Old N Bridge?" The spotting of the 'Shot Heard Round the World' Monument is a good spy though- my guess is that the wooden bridge we see is the bridge in the link below, or possibly the bridge over Lowell road.,-71.3508589,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
This shot.Look at the Gameplay you can see the bridge and the minuteman monument on the left.The player is running from the east towards the bridge.The bridges have the same support Structure and beams protruding from the sides.
EDIT:Your link points to the wrong bridge.
Either way, the devs have clearly made a number of changes, some of which will be to do with the scale of the map. Whichever bridge in this area has been used, we can see that the in-game Monument is at the far end of a NW-SE bridge on the other side of the Concord River. So at the very least the Monument itself has been moved.
EDIT: corrected reference from 'Charles River' to 'Concord River'
The only link I could get to work in this area is the 'generic' one to the Park itself. For some unknown reason, this points to the North Bridge.
Not necessarily.If we place Sanctuary Hills in the area of "The Old Manse" or Ripley RD, the in game shots are consistant with the real life area.
EDIT:Nope,the compass points the wrong way.Either way,The statue and the bridge are identical.As for the area layout,my guess is as good as yours.
PCDug, that's what I'm saying- the wooden bridge in the gameplay video is just some bridge over the Concord River (possibly the one I indicated)- not the Old North Bridge. Look at that picture you pulled off google; see how there are no buildings or lightposts, and that the road is gravel, not pavement? The road the PC is on in the demo is a regular road- the Old North Bridge is only for foot traffic. Trust me, I go over that bridge when I run every morning. Obviously Beth is going to be making significant changes to the layout of Concord and the surrounding area, but adding two ruined buildings right next to the Bridge in the middle of what's a historic park makes no sense gameplay or atmosphere wise. I could be wrong, but I think we need more video than that 2 second shot to know for sure.
well,we know for sure that sanctuary hills is just north of concord and there is a minuteman looking statue just out of town.but yeah,the old north bridge is not compatible:in real life the statue is on the west the gameplay it is on the east side.sorry for no upper characters,my keyboard is acting funny.
EDIT:Are there other statues in the area other than the one by the old n bridge?
BT,that looks a nice neighborhood for morning runs.we don't get places that nice in Italy.
It would actually make more sense if it was a regular road, I didn't realise that one was actually gravel.
Let's say then that Sanctuary Hills is accessed via Monument Street, and the bridge you have suggested is the one we see in-game. With a few minor changes (our protagonist is facing due SE when he exits the house), this could put the vault at the end of the roundabout on Cedar Way. This does actually look surprisingly similar to the area above the vault, although it would still require the vault to be built on top of a hill. Note that this would also require the Monument itself to be moved to the end of the Monument Street bridge, which would actually be quite fitting.
EDIT: information regarding the more viable location has been added to the OP.
Considering the July 4th reveal of some art that portrays a moon landing, and implies there was military action on the moon, if the writing behind FO4 is as detailed as you imply, then, with this:
... the two missing rockets could imply something more plausibly relevant to American military fighting on the Moon.
(sorry gkk7z, I don't know how to quote)
but in response to your post, ya, I could see things being moved around that way. I give Beth a lot of latitude with the layout of things both because it's a videogame and because Pre-war is an alternate reality too- not just post war. Lots could change in the layout of a place between now and 2077.
That being said, I feel like we can't make any sort of definitive statements about where anything is until we have the game in our hands, or, at the very least, a reporter gets a "first hour" free play sort of thing. The problem is that there are cuts between each of the shots in the gameplay demo, and we don't know how much distance is traveled. Sure, Vault 111 could be somewhere by the Old Manse... or you might not get to Concord until 30 minutes in, and 111 is way out by Bedford or something. We just can't know until we know how much distance is traveled by the PC.