Well, I've made alot of cinematic/orchestral music recently that has ended up floating around aimlessly on my website, and figured I may as well do something with them. And truly, what more can I do than group them together, give them a cool sounding, relevant and thoughtful name, and then offer them to internet with gusto? So thus: Inequipoise and Zeitgeist!
They aren't finished yet, because a fair few of the songs need finishing/ tweaking, but I have created two videos to show off basically what you'll be getting when they are finished. This thread has a poll (because if there's one thing this forum needs more of, it's polls allright) about what you think you'll be downloading, just so I can get an idea of what it is people are actually interested in- if listen to the videos (im sure there is something wrong with that sentence) it would be very cool of you to quickly answer it

Inequipoise is a collection of twelve tracks that I've written recently specifically for oblivion over the past couple of months. It is written to fit in perfectly with the music allready there- of all the music packs I have downloaded, none have really intergrated well enough with Jeremy Soules style to not stand out like a sore thumb. You'll find dungeon music that is the same dark ambient style of the original; Explore tracks unique enough to stand apart and homely enough to fit in with the rest; peaceful city music and exciting, tense battle music.
Zeitgeist on the other hand, is just a collection of tracks I have written over the past couple of years, and have decided are cinematic enough and of high enough quality to bunch them together into a music pack....album.. collection of songs thing. They are of a much more experimental and Alternative style than Inequipoise- you'll find Dark alt rock basslines and leads mixed with warm, natural sweeping strings, mixed time signatures, some rather interesting samples, and even an entire song slowing down into a waltz before speeding back into 4/4. Whilst they may not fit in well enough to oblivion to suit everyone, they are cinimatic enough to give you something a little bit fresh if you are bored of the music in your game at the moment

They are both still under works, but in the meantime you can find a lot of the tracks here for free download at Www.MysteriousProjects.tumblr.com . Head over there if you liked what you heard, and if you do the poll thats awsome too!

Mysterious Mr. Bear

PS I was so tired whist writing this I'm not even sure it's the right language. Sorry in advance for bad spelling, repeated points, and nonsese