Two questions about Destruction.

Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:14 pm

No, this thread is not to ask if Destruction is worth it or underpowered lol

I was wondering if anyone has played a Destruction Mage in two of this ways:

1- Have you ever played a Destro Mage without taking the Dual Casting and Impact Perks?

I have never done that. I ALWAYS pick those two perks. I guess I would feel too vulnerable without those. If you have played like this, how do you do it? Which schools of magic do you use to complement your play style? Do you rely more on Runes? Or conjure an Atronach?

2 - Have you ever played a Destro Mage who casts ONLY Frost Spells?

Again, I have never done that. I usually cast either Fire or Frost, but I always have shock magic as backup. So many creatures are resistant (or even immune) to Frost in Skyrim that I think it would be a pain. Again, if you have done that, which schools would you use to take advantage in Dwarven Ruins, or agains Draugr? Illusion maybe?

I'm asking this because I plan to roll a frost mage without Dual Cast and Impact, so I would like to know what would you guys do (or have done) in a similar build.

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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:46 am

I always pick the duel casting and impact perks. BUT, I only use them against formiddable opponents that happen to get past my summoned minions as I focus primarily on conjuration. I only really use them against giants, bandit chiefs and briarhearts for the most part.

Seems like lately whenever I use destruction, Ive really taken a liking to ice storm. Really slows enemies down.

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Chris Jones
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:44 am

I don't remember Ice Storm... Do you mean Blizzard or is it really Ice Storm? I really like Frost magic, but only if I have another backup type. Only Frost seems not very effective, but I think that if I pair it with Conjuration and Illusion, it has no reason to not work xD

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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:44 am

Ice storm is the adept level frost magic. If you duel cast it with impact, it will halt a charging bandit chief or giant. Does a good number on one's stamina.

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Tai Scott
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:03 am

I have never played a destruction mage past level 15 'cause I realized how spectacularly terrible the experience is on my first character that I rerolled after I hit level 15 because I wasted too many perks in destruction and didn't want to feel like a dirty cheater by console commanding them out into other things. I will never understand the people who play destruction mages or those who try to defend its viability because just like you can beat the game by slow attrition with summon familiar with the right gear and perks you can do it with destruction too! Granted you could also spend time collecting alchemy ingredients to make potions and poisons that will make it kill things more along the speed of melee or archery or conjuring dremora lords that are basically destruction spells that also keep enemies off you and which you don't need to aim and are 10x more efficient magicka cost wise and etc. etc., but what is the point of needing extra layers of tedium to achieve comparable results?

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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:26 am

Ice Storm is an Adept spell while Blizzard is a Master spell.

You might remember Ice Storm because its commonly cast by Briarhearts.
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Misty lt
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:41 am

Oh yeah, now I remember, the little swirling cloud of frost... It's a really cool spell!

Yep, I remembered thanks to your comment about the Briarhearts =P

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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:38 pm

So far in my experiences, Ice Storm is the biggest threat to my warriors.

Damn those mages, to scared to receive a hit so they run backward while spamming Ice Storm...pfft. Ah, but the satisfaction when I reach them...
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:36 am

Yeah I think I was first introduced to ice storm when doing the black star daedric quest. That last mage was a killer. Now it's very satisfying using it,

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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:21 am

I never take dual cast or impact, uses too much mana and feels stupid that I can stagger lock anything in the game.

I would suggest conjuration and alteration for the distraction and the armor. Enchanting is good, you don't have to make destruction spells cost nothing, using it for extra mana and extra regen is what I do.

And a frost Mage is defiantly viable, but remember that draugr will be harder, do be afraid to lower the difficulty if you have to
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:42 am

And if you pair anything with conjuration and illusion it will work.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:38 am

Yes and yes!

After my first foray in to destruction magic, I have NEVER taken the dual cast or impact perk. Way too much magicka consume and Impact makes everything way too boring.

As for frost magic, once I downloaded a mod that adds an "increase destruction damage" enchantment, I went full frost mage. It was way too strong, especially once you get ice storm. It's too good of a spell. Adept level, goes through walls, slows enemies, drains their stamina, and does insane damage with some damage enchants.

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Beulah Bell
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:11 am

Most of My Mages carry a Bound Sword in the right hand and cast with the left. I like Frost Magic to supplement Frost Atronachs, and some Followers added by Dragonborn are immune to Frost Damage. People tend to overlook the Slow effect of Frost based Magic.

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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:04 pm

Thats the main reason I use it, not so much of the damage potential or stamina drain, but the slow effect.

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