Do High elves really run 12% faster than other races? Read this somewhere.
Ive never quiet understand how it works. No armor = no penalty, light armor = low penalty, heavy armor = big penalty. I know that much.
But if you equip 1 light armor piece, does that mean your whole move speed setting is set to low penalty? Or does each individual piece of armor affect movement individually?
Carry weight: I cant be sure. But does your carry weight affect stamina drain or movement speed? Meaning - will a 50/400 carryweight make you run faster than 300/400?
If you combine both factors (armor+carry weight) how exactly do you "do the math" on runspeed? Are there other factors involved?
Magicka regen
I seem to remember that mana regen is useless in combat. Meaning having +300% mana regen wont help you in combat at all. That the combatregen is a SET amount. If true, does this mean that mana regen % stats are useless? (If willing to just rest 1 hour after each fight). Does it mean stacking BASE MANA is the only way to go about a pure mage that neglects weapons? Lets say combat regen is 20% does this mean 20% of your base mana or something. Or does it mean base mana + 20% of your max mana regen %. In other words if you have 300% mana regen out of combat will that amount still help in combat like this: 20% out of 300% = sum added to combat regen.