Two questions on movement speed and magicka regen

Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:35 pm

Movement speed

Do High elves really run 12% faster than other races? Read this somewhere.

Ive never quiet understand how it works. No armor = no penalty, light armor = low penalty, heavy armor = big penalty. I know that much.
But if you equip 1 light armor piece, does that mean your whole move speed setting is set to low penalty? Or does each individual piece of armor affect movement individually?

Carry weight: I cant be sure. But does your carry weight affect stamina drain or movement speed? Meaning - will a 50/400 carryweight make you run faster than 300/400?

If you combine both factors (armor+carry weight) how exactly do you "do the math" on runspeed? Are there other factors involved?

Magicka regen

I seem to remember that mana regen is useless in combat. Meaning having +300% mana regen wont help you in combat at all. That the combatregen is a SET amount. If true, does this mean that mana regen % stats are useless? (If willing to just rest 1 hour after each fight). Does it mean stacking BASE MANA is the only way to go about a pure mage that neglects weapons? Lets say combat regen is 20% does this mean 20% of your base mana or something. Or does it mean base mana + 20% of your max mana regen %. In other words if you have 300% mana regen out of combat will that amount still help in combat like this: 20% out of 300% = sum added to combat regen.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:42 pm

Movement speed is dependent on your carry weight. The more you carry the slower you go, or at least it seems that way. It's not something I really pay attention to, as I fast travel when I am near capacity to drop stuff off. I just know I seem to move slower to the entrance to the dungeon. However, this is not as slow as if I was actually over-encumbered. I tend to keep a light inventory for just this reason.

Now, as the the armor "penalties". These are related to the carry weight and the Perks just make armor sets weigh nothing when you wear them. I don't know if Heavy Armor reduces your movement speed, I don't use that type of armor, but the right Perk would remove any penalty from that.

From what I understand, you recover no Mana during battle, so the regen rate does not help you there. But it does help after the battle is over. Really, if you need Mana during a battle, quaff a potion.
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