two questions-

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 pm

1. Is there anything i can do with the CS so i dont have to use the game disc? Its a pain having to have it in all the time. I guess i originally figured that you wouldnt need it to play the game like in FO3

2. i had previously modified my jumpfallskillmult and fjumpfalltimemult to around -5 which had negated all falling damage, from my jumpheightmin and jumpheightmax tweaks (around 640 total i believe)
Anyway i had been taking NO falling damage jumping off all sorts of high stuff. Let me get to the point; I made this sigil stone that fortified acrobatics by 750 and enchanted it on a amulet, however 750 was past my jumpheightmax wall, and it didnt work so well. However the weird part is that upon landing i died instantly. Q: HOW CAN I AVOID DYING INSTANTLY UPON LANDING AFTER SUPER HUGE JUMPING. If its just a matter of values point me in the right direction.

Anyone with any input please help me!!
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

1. Is there anything i can do with the CS so i dont have to use the game disc? Its a pain having to have it in all the time. I guess i originally figured that you wouldnt need it to play the game like in FO3

2. i had previously modified my jumpfallskillmult and fjumpfalltimemult to around -5 which had negated all falling damage, from my jumpheightmin and jumpheightmax tweaks (around 640 total i believe)
Anyway i had been taking NO falling damage jumping off all sorts of high stuff. Let me get to the point; I made this sigil stone that fortified acrobatics by 750 and enchanted it on a amulet, however 750 was past my jumpheightmax wall, and it didnt work so well. However the weird part is that upon landing i died instantly. Q: HOW CAN I AVOID DYING INSTANTLY UPON LANDING AFTER SUPER HUGE JUMPING. If its just a matter of values point me in the right direction.

Anyone with any input please help me!!

Maybe add a feather enchanment also?
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 pm

Try setting FJumpFallTimeMult to 0. FJumpFallTimeMult determines how much damage you take per second of falling.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:05 pm

feather is a good idea, that totally escaped me, and i should have thought of it already. As for setting my fjumpfalltimemult to 0 it hasnt worked so far. According to the wikki i have it at like .4982 or something lke that to go with my 255 acrobatics. I havent tried it exactly at zero but it seems as though negative values work better for some reason.

The thing is, on normal jumps i take no falling damage at all. Even jumping from the top of frostcrag spire down to the bottom of the mountains didnt kill me. However as soon as my acrobatics get fortified past like a thousand and i jump like that, then when i land it takes about a quarter of my life bar. Its weird, and i dont know what else i can change to make it not do that- Feather was an interesting idea though.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:14 am

feather is a good idea, that totally escaped me, and i should have thought of it already. As for setting my fjumpfalltimemult to 0 it hasnt worked so far. According to the wikki i have it at like .4982 or something lke that to go with my 255 acrobatics. I havent tried it exactly at zero but it seems as though negative values work better for some reason.

The thing is, on normal jumps i take no falling damage at all. Even jumping from the top of frostcrag spire down to the bottom of the mountains didnt kill me. However as soon as my acrobatics get fortified past like a thousand and i jump like that, then when i land it takes about a quarter of my life bar. Its weird, and i dont know what else i can change to make it not do that- Feather was an interesting idea though.

Just tested: Setting FJumpFallTimeMult to 0 will work. I made an amulet that fortified Acrobatics 350 points and fortified Speed 1700 points. I jumped from and took no damage.
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