Ubisoft does it again! This time they aren't distributing an illegal NO-CD crack as an official patch like they did in 2008 with Rainbow Six Vegas,
they're torrenting their own music. That doesn't make any sense at all, but then again I never understand what the hell Ubisoft is thinking.
Today Eurogamer brings us news that those copyright infringing scamps may have been at it again. This time it looks like they’ve included a torrented version of their own soundtrack in the Digital Deluxe Edition of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood on PC.
The proof comes from the internet’s infinite source of information, Reddit. It seems the mp3s that come with a Brotherhood pre-order were originally encoded as FLAC files by one arsa13. If the Reddit user is right, Ubisoft then apparently converted them to mp3 and stuck them on the game.
oh Ubisoft
