I have collections or sets from WarCry
I have a number of non-vanilla monsters and weapons (although they are seamlessly merged such that it is sometimes hard to tell what is new content)
I have found 1 runeskull
I see female guards and guards with capes
I have found the geomancy spells
Certain dungeons have significantly more enemies
The changes to locks from OOO is present
Bandits and the like are still wearing leather, fur, and iron at level 15
What I don't see are loads of runeskulls (including none in the basemant of First Edition where others have mentioned one), lots of magical loot (its really only started to appear outside of boss chests in the last few levels (my toon is now level 15)), different loot (other then a few blunt weapons everything is plain sword of foo type of stuff with one effect) or non-vanilla stuff in stores. Is it just that I am a slow patient player and so haven't found enough chests to see the hordes of loot that others have mentioned?