I guess I’m just use to playing my MMO, (Aion) which I think has awesome looking characters.
Saw that one coming a mile away.
I like that Skyrim (and many US game developers) have stuck with a realistic look for characters and the world. Too many Asian games stick with this perfect, flawless look to things, especially characters. Everyone in those games looks 19 years old, pimples, wrinkles and scars do not exist in Asia, apparently, and all the women have porcelain white complexions. Also, cyan and lavender hair.
Don't worry though, in a matter of days there will be zillions of mods to transform Skyrims wrinkled, dirty, freckled people into flawless, doughy-eyed angelic beings dressed in Liberace's wardrobe and you, my friend, shall rejoice (or curse if you're stuck playing the game on a console).