I've been playing Skyrim since it came out but have never been brave enough to increase ugrids until yesterday. After switching to 7, I'm not sure I can go back; the difference in visual quality is astounding. Using SSME and ENBoost, I was able to more or less circumnavigate the Skyrim Map with speedmult at 500, implying that the game is now robust to memory errors. The other main problem with increased ugrids, based on my forum searches, is quests triggering prematurely and NPCs killing each other (I did find quite a few corpses on my Skyrim tour). I've done a fair bit of programming but never in papyrus; I'm wondering if the following pseudocode would be implementable:
for every NPC in active cells
-get NPC cell ID
-if NPC AI is off
-- if cell ID is within 5x5 of player's cell ID
---tai on
-if NPC AI is on
--if cell ID is not within 5x5 grid of player's cell ID
---tai on
-wait 5 seconds
This would essentially keep the visual fidelity while, I believe, doing away with erroneous NPC behavior. If such a thing is possible I'm willing to put in the effort to script it, but is it even possible to iterate through actors like that?
Thanks for any advice!