So, my reasoning in examining all the evidence and cases of other people's allowable re-starts comes down to a thought process that plays out with pros and cons not unlike a televised court room drama.
So with that theme in mind, I present you with.....
Conscience Square
1st September 2015
Day one. The pre-trial in The case of Ulda Versus the State of Mind
Judge Rt Hon Ruthless Conscience Presiding
The unflinching barely blinking hanging judge shows no emotion as he takes his seat.
Before him the two briefs sit calmly at their desks. On one side the slick and precise prosecution on the other the rather less precise and slightly emotional defence.
The judge glances slightly to the Bailiff and in moments the Accused is ushered in to stand in the Dock. Beside her stands her user.
Judge Conscience "Please state you name and position for the court"
Ulda stands proudly bolt upright almost a full head above the chubby guy at her left elbow " I am Ulda, avatar of Rick"
Judge Conscience fires a melting stare at the guy "and you are Rick correct?"
Rick states much less boldly " um yes your Honour, I am part of Ulda's psyche and I stand by her"
The Judge leans forward ever so slightly "Very well......Ulda, you are charged with a most serious offence". The hanging judge fiddles briefly with some small half moon spectacles and fits them halfway down his long steep nose. He raises a paper to reading distance. " you are charged with continuing to exist beyond you natural point of death during Dead is Dead". He lowers the paper and stares at the beautiful Nord woman " How do you plead?"
Ulda casts a glance down at Rick as he squeezes her hand " Not guilty your Honour ".
" Indeed!" Says the judge with a flat tone barely disguising his incredulity. The judge then looks to Rick with an anolytical stare. "And you Rick.....whilst not technically on trial here today, you are a material factor in these precedings and should bare that in mind"
Rick bristles, but restrains his tone. " Your Honour I fully appreciate the seriousness of my role and I will accept the finding of this court"
The hanging judge peers down at the two Briefs shuffling their papers as if that alone was their purpose. "Approach the bench"
The Prosecution and Defence stand before the judge, beside each other and close enough to smell the judges aniseed breath.
Judge Conscience " the Accused and her user intend to put up a defence as is their right by my law. This case need not go to trial by jury IF either of you can convince me beyond any doubt that she and her user are either innocent of the charges brought or guilty without question. We shall retire to my chambers" The two briefs follow the judge into the small room leading from a door behind and to one side of his chair. The door is closed and the bailiff motions Ulda and Rick to sit on the small wooden stools behind them.
The small room is panelled in dark Oak and a large rubber plant stands in the corner behind the important chair. In the other corner an ornamental upright block of polished granite, black engraved with the words ' the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth'. The judge sits at his desk and adjusts a brass ornament as if it mattered. The two briefs sit in green punched leather tub chairs of the chesterfield style. their legs crossed in mirror image.
Judge Conscience rests his elbows on the heavy dark wood and brings his finger tips together just in front of his nose " Gentlemen.....the defendant is known to me as this is not the first time she has passed through my court. However, her previous transgressions must not be taken into account here." With the slightest of theatre he gestures an open hand to the Prosecution " you may begin"
Prosecutor " Your honour the facts are simple and clear. Ulda, whilst conducting a Dark Brotherhood quest, was shot by a Dawnstar Sanctuary Guardian by a single arrow causing instant death.......your honour she was killed and yet stands before us. A clear contravention of the rules of Dead is Dead "
The judge gives a barely perceptible nod and turns to the Defence " well?"
The brief unfolds his leg and sits upright with a nervous cough. " Your honour......the case is not so simple as my learned friend would have you believe. There are well documented cases where the reloading of a deceased character may be permitted. It is my belief that my client was unfairly killed in such a manner that she falls into one of those rare cases"
Prosecutor interjects " M'Lud this is nonsense, there was no external influence that caused her user to misguide her.....she was simply shot by an in game npc and now he wants her to walk away from that!" His tone reflects his annoyance
Judge conscience quietens the irritated brief with a single raised finger, and looks back to the Defence. His brow furrows. The Defence in contrast to the prosecution's outburst, lowers his tone, serious and flat.
" Your honour.......it is well known that unexpected in game glitches, bugs, coding errors and such can result in an unfortunate death and it is considered perfectly acceptable under such conditions to effect a re-load. The deadly arrow that killed my client could not possibly have resulted in her death were it not in fact bugged or rigged in some abnormal fashion. Her armour was proven to be more than sufficient in subsequent tests against that very same archer. Clearly either the arrow or its npc archer was temporarily grossly overpowered"
The judge considers it for a moment and looks back to the prosecution. " is that possible, a glitched arrow or npc."
The prosecuting brief gives a twisted smile " No M'Lud. Well, not impossible I grant you, but there is another mechanism my colleague here neglects to mention. We have something called an Extra damage perk awarded to a few selected npcs to keep the users on their toes. It is a perfectly acceptable feature of normal game play and though it can prove quite deadly, it does not fall outside of the rule book. It's programmed you see, coded, not a glitch at all"
Defence " your Honour it might be a coded temporary perk or an unfortunate bug......there's no way to know since upon death the game is reloaded automatically wiping away the evidence. You could be sending an innocent woman to her death on the basis of this mere hypothesis"
The hanging judge sits back in his chair. A snort escapes him. " Armour tests, extra perks, glitches....There is clearly enough here for a full trial.........we shall return to court"
The tall backed chair shifts slightly as the judge eases his big frame into it. The briefs now back at their small desks eye each other suspiciously. The Bailiff speaks to Ulda and Rick " Stand please"
The judge looks straight ahead then after a pause adjusts his gaze into Ulda's blue eyes. " Ulda, avatar of Rick. After deliberation this court finds sufficient cause to warrant a full trial......in the mean time you will not materialise within the game world nor take part in any activity........you are suspended". The Gavel bangs down hard and Rick gives an involuntary start.
Rick turns to Ulda and gives her a big hug. She looks down and smiles " Still alive then.......for now"
Rick steps back. His wet eyes meet hers and his faltering whisper conveys more than words " I'll liaise with our brief at once.....we have twenty four hours"
Tune in soon for more nail biting real time court room drama where the npcs are real and judgements final......