Is Ulfric the rightful High King of Skyrim?

Post » Fri May 31, 2013 4:59 pm

Skyrim is an Imperial Province, so I would think IMPERIAL law, which is what signing the WGC makes those demands, would apply to Skyrim, so Ulfric technically killed Torygg for basically following Imperial Law, which he hates so he kills Torygg because he does not follow the old Nord laws.

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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:48 am

Uh, Torygg accepted the duel, which proved it wasn't an abolished law? Duh?

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 2:05 pm

I didn't completely overlook that.

How did I not think of that? I need to get some sleep or something...

I guess this has a little to do with my argument.

Anyways, why does the reason Ulfric challenged and killed Torygg matter? I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 7:51 pm

Hello to my fellow Skyrimmers! I thought this vote was really interesting and I loved your answers. I never thought about it this way.

I voted yes, because a duel is a duel. And also because I also want to kill off that turd Jarl up in Dawnstar. He makes my skin crawl.

Anyway, if I get into a fight, it makes no difference how I win as long as I win. I'm from the Phila. area can you tell? :tongue:

All kidding aside, you never know what you're getting into if you engage someone. You all that say he murdered him, how many times have you ran across a bandit and disbanded them with magic. Was it fair, no. Did you win, yes.

So I have a question. I've been playing Skyrim for a year or so now and haven't taken any sides. Does this mean the people that voted here have? If some of you think Ulfric murdered the high king, does that put you on the other side? I'm just asking because I'm still on the fence. :angel:

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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 6:41 pm

I'd be lots better with Ulfric if he hadn't used the shout in a formal duel. That being said. I tend towards Alvor's that was the bad old days sentiment. being the best hand to hand combatant does not make the best king. More of my characters would more comfortably go Stormcloak if he'd killed the high king like a man and not with his superpowers. I really wish as the dragonborn , I could weight in on this in the game to people. Most of my characters would go against Ulfric on this facet ( but not all)

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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 8:44 pm

I voted, and I don't have a side. Just because you have an opinion on a certain argument, doesn't mean you fully agree with either side.

At least that's how it works for me.

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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 5:27 pm

Doesn't Ulfric say that he killed the High King to get the attention of the Jarls and to make a statement, not to become High King.

I can't agree with what really amounts to murder....yet Torygg was seemingly a wet blanket, just like his wife. Under complete control of the Empire. If Elsif had become High Queen then General Tullius (the Imperials) would rule Skyrim. Which at this point is pretty much amounts to the Thalmor. Pretty sure Torygg was no different. Skyrim would be at the complete mercy of the Imperials and the had to be done. Was this the only way though. I mean, how else could Ulfric have got the attention and support he needed and how else could Torygg have been removed from the throne.

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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 9:50 pm

It totally depends on my character which side I take. Some characters are strongly one way or the other. Others see little to like in either side. For me personally I lean towards the empire and I find its local top dogs less offensive but I can roleplay either way.

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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 10:14 pm

I've sided with both sides on various files. However, I prefer the Stormcloaks because the empire has become weak and are basically the AD's [censored]es. I'm not a big fan of Ulfric's "Nord pride" though. But that's better than having no balls.

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Post » Fri May 31, 2013 9:43 pm

Yeah, I agree. The weight of the Dragonborn was entirely lost. If I can't be High King I want Ulfric to be, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be High King.

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Mark Churchman
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