Unfortunately, My Oblivion has broke completly. File wise, something has happened so I cannot interact with anything or anyone ingame, plus I CTD on new games. I couldnt uninstall default way so I had to delete files to get rid of it. I was hoping to reinstall but the launcher somewhere in my computer still exists and i cannot find it to delete it, plus i cant play, theres no game executable. I wish that you all carry on with this mod but please credit me for the original idea for the mod, and every once and a while I would check the progress
Thanks for reading, I hope you understand
This is the second thread

to follow our progress from the start, heres the first thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1042608
(This mod will not be based on the MMO. It uses the MMO for locations, landmarks etc. The sole of the Mod is based of the Table top game and Games Workshop's Warhammer Lore)
I started off with an idea for the whole warhammer world to be there, now, taking in advise started smaller. First, along with Ugylyx, we created a Skaven mod, but now moving on, I hope to merge that with an idea for an entirely new landmass, called Ulthuan, Home Of The High Elves. It will consist of a main-quest, hopefully more developed than the vanilla but Ill describe the MQ in more detail further on. On a simple Note, Ulthuan, home Of the High Elves, led by Pheonix King Phumbar, is attacked by its evil bretheren, The Dark Elves, lead by Lord Malekith. They Assault the Eastern side of Ulthuan, which has less millatry prescence as the threat is from the West, with the on-going threats from Chaos. The Skaven, however, landed in Ulthuan, hoping that in this war, they can take them by surprise, hopefully plague the country and then turn it into a breeding ground for their new plan of Half Elf/Half Skaven race. But put an end to that, for the start of your journey is not complex. No Matter wether your to fulfill the path of an High Elf, Dark Elf or Skaven, you will be involved in epic fights. The player (if their High Elf) is proposing a toast when he starts. He is sent by the doctor to his quaters. You are informed of the Dark Elves attack and you immedietaly gather troops for the battles ahead. If your a dark elf, its simple really. You were captured in the Battle Of Fell Landing, where the Dark Elves routed the High Elves, The High King's units destroyed yours. You must escape to let your Lord's know that when the Dark Elves progress across Ulthuan, The Shining Guard follow. If your a skaven, you broke into the dungeon to steal some food. In the chaos of being attacked by Dark Elves, you must escape with the food supplies or you will fail your hungry tribe who just swam from Nordland to Ulthuan.
Maybe Add-on's:
The Land of the Dead:
This was long ago a big battleground for the High Elves and Dark Elves. Which ever side, who dares enters its tombs and caves, must at all costs retrieve the weapons, armor and power, to turn the tide of battle
The Empire Aids The High Elves:
The High Elves get Aid from the Empire, led by Emperor Karl Franz
We shall accept any constructive critisicms on our plans or praise. Anyone willing to join can also post here. This is also a discussion for my team about new progress.
Team Members:
Bone_Collecter - Re-Modeller/Texturer/CS builder
Uglyulyx - Modeller/Texturer/CS builder
Valis123 - Refrences
LordHibernus - Scripter/Dialouge/Quests
Awia - Voice Acting
What I would need:
Maybe some more modellers/Texturers
A person with a knowledge of heightmap and could copy a map of Ulthuan
Lore Researcher
Some who collects High Elf, Dark Elf or Skaven for refrences
A CS worker for building places/adding tree's and grass
An experienced Scripter
An experienced Quest creator/Advanced Dialouge
Voice Acting
Story developers
A begining on texturing/modelling High/Dark Elf items, clothing and architecture
A landmass
Second Thread
Storyline at 100%
Skaven items complete and race almost complete, just need a modeller the face
First thread started
Thankyou for reading