» Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am
Okay, I've worked up a list of the what graphics we need for the storyline, with the first in the list most important because they will be used first:
Everqueen palace (organic made of wood and plants, layout similar to vanilla oblivion castles needs a dining hall, various quarters, barracks and throne room)
High elf warriors (Standard spearmen, Avelorn [like high elves in wood elves armor] and blighted isle variants [similar to shining guard])
Dark elf warriors (obviously)
Black ark with jail, captains quarters, dining chamber, barracks, armory
city in tiranoc (can be reused to form other elven cities)
Shadow warriors
Phoenix guard
lord malekith
Anlec (similar to black arc)
Blighted isle
Shrine of khaine with sword of khaine both lodged in rock and usable weapon
Tor achare (heavily fortified)
White lions of Chrace
Shrine of assuryan
Isle of the dead with vortex
Graphics required for side quests:
Ellyrian Reavers (would probably be best to model the elf and horse in one go and use a creature nif)
Tor Ellyr
different variants of dark elves
Tower of hoeth (can use modified white tower)
swordmasters of hoeth
city of caledor
The mages house at the beginning is not essential and can be done at anytime.
Google these and pictures will show up for most of them (artwork or warhammer models), videos of warhammer online are also useful. For some like the palace of the everqueen you have to use some imagination.
For future reference this map shows all the locations listed: http://forboards.tripod.com/Ulthuan.jpg
The only thing it doesn't include are the mountains which are in this map: http://zielonawieza.pl/www/img/ulthuan.jpg
The mountains shown are far too thick for our purposes but otherwise perfect, the mountains should be just thick enough to obstruct movement between the outer and inner kingdoms but not look ridiculous.
I'm completing the storyline and will P.m it to coobster shortly for his approval, the dialog doesn't need to be done for a while but is underway. Glad to see you giving the heightmap another try Coobster.