They serve to do the opposite actually.The facts are available to anybody who cares.This was the only doc I could find on it but it looks like it was made for college students...must be wrong yeah?
Actually Future weapons on the discovery channel is a great example.
They serve to do the opposite actually.The facts are available to anybody who cares.This was the only doc I could find on it but it looks like it was made for college students...must be wrong yeah?
Actually Future weapons on the discovery channel is a great example.
First you started out by complaining that I was a rpg player wanting to join the military and wanted to do it for the action
Then you complained about the war in the middle east
Then you complained about holloywood using war themes to gain profit
Now your questioning about the fact the video is wrong, because it was made for college students.
I enjoy the discussion and I understand your perspective on this, but the information ive provided is the realistic facts presented to us. Its not a conspiracy,
So if there is a conspiracy in the government, theres nothing to prove it. Thus an opinion, and I respect yours, but I have the facts about the war.
And shows like future weapons dont do harm, they are informative, and yes stimulate the human senses to make the show appealing by using explosions etc.. However, how is that anything worse then just a little entertainment
Some countries make people fight for their lives against each other for entertainment. Similar to UFC, just not on the level of life and death.
Fact is, violence is nature. Sorry, but we can't all sit around a circle and praise world peace