Ultimately the biggest problem with Skyrim

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:36 pm

Is that its going to be released a month after I ship off to boot camp for the marines :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

But the whole thing about dragons, Dragons are huge, and they are hard to kill

Well, with this new engine and the elder scrolls play style, how will combat go against dragons?

I mean, realistically I don't think a dragon would be able to die if you just slash at its feet for awhile, that's how you kill stuff in elder scrolls, Slashing, Arrows, and Magic.

If you think about combat for elder scrolls games, and then think about how it would be against a giant dragon, it still seems like another plain fight, just tougher. Nothing really new or diffrent

I'm not complaining, I love TES, im just concerned the dragon idea wont be as amazing as they expect without changing something with combat to something similar to other games do when fighting a boss.

For a truly epic fight, slashing its feet just isn't epic, and wouldn't kill it.

You'd have to have skills in all combat areas to make for a really good fight, but also the developers should think about letting a player target a limb to make it slower, or the head to weaken it

Something different
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:22 pm

Why you sign up ?
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:40 pm

Is that its going to be released a month after I ship off to boot camp for the marines :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

But the whole thing about dragons, Dragons are huge, and they are hard to kill

Well, with this new engine and the elder scrolls play style, how will combat go against dragons?

I mean, realistically I don't think a dragon would be able to die if you just slash at its feet for awhile, that's how you kill stuff in elder scrolls, Slashing, Arrows, and Magic.

If you think about combat for elder scrolls games, and then think about how it would be against a giant dragon, it still seems like another plain fight, just tougher. Nothing really new or diffrent

I'm not complaining, I love TES, im just concerned the dragon idea wont be as amazing as they expect without changing something with combat to something similar to other games do when fighting a boss.

For a truly epic fight, slashing its feet just isn't epic, and wouldn't kill it.

You'd have to have skills in all combat areas to make for a really good fight, but also the developers should think about letting a player target a limb to make it slower, or the head to weaken it

Something different

Good luck in boot camp! I never was in the Marines but I served in the Army and Air Force.

About you topic, I was wondering how combat would be with dragons also. I typically use a magic user so how and what would kill it. I assume we will be learning words of power to battle these lesser dragons but if not then fire balls and ice spikes should do the trick. :wink_smile:
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:45 am

Why you sign up ?

I would have never joined if I knew there was going to be a fifth elder scroll game releasing this year

Just kidding, but it really svcks that ill miss it, ill pre order it and play it on my 10 day leave
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:08 am

Have fun with basic training... I mean boot camp. Sorry, I was in the army for 5 years and old habits die hard. Any ways good luck with boot and try to have fun with it. Try to stay out of trouble, but have fun. And thank you for choosing to serve.
After you've finished boot, when you get to your post, you will be able to set up your Barracks room pretty much how you see fit, top of my list would be the biggest TV you can get and the gaming rig of your choice. Thanks again for serving, and have fun... I know I did.
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:54 am

Good luck in boot camp! I never was in the Marines but I served in the Army and Air Force.

About you topic, I was wondering how combat would be with dragons also. I typically use a magic user so how and what would kill it. I assume we will be learning words of power to battle these lesser dragons but if not then fire balls and ice spikes should do the trick. :wink_smile:


Same here, so when you throw a fireball, what does it do to the dragon? I mean, dragon skins are probably really strong, and a wimpy fireball wouldn't do much. I mean dragons are huge, how will bethseda make these fights realistic. Because giant monster battles are not really TES territory

Also, i hope flying monsters make a return like cliff chasers from morrowind
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Nany Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:04 am

Did you actually fight Mehrunes Dagon in Obilivion?
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:28 pm

Have fun with basic training... I mean boot camp. Sorry, I was in the army for 5 years and old habits die hard. Any ways good luck with boot and try to have fun with it. Try to stay out of trouble, but have fun. And thank you for choosing to serve.
After you've finished boot, when you get to your post, you will be able to set up your Barracks room pretty much how you see fit, top of my list would be the biggest TV you can get and the gaming rig of your choice. Thanks again for serving, and have fun... I know I did.

Thanks dude, yeah they're both the same. I didn't know we could do that, the barracks and all, thats really cool to hear

Did you actually fight Mehrunes Dagon in Obilivion?

You can, sort of. He appears as this gigantic colossal monster in the imperial city, and you can slash his foot, but it really did nothing.

And theres was no way to kill him without console commands

He was a daedric god though, a dragon is a different story, dragons are killable, but think of the awkwardness of the battle, taking into account combat of TES.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:29 pm

You battle them monkey island insult style but we have dragonshouts instead.

Dragon: OOa Rrrhaaar wraaae!
Dragonborn: Oh that is so cliche!

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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 am

Its hard to imagine an elder scrolls fan chanting "kill kill kill".Try to remain a critical thinker...and dont shoot any women or kids please.Its not gonna be anything like call of duty.

Dont really want to be so harsh, but patting people on the back for perpetuating the most disgusting side of humanity is wrong.

Hold on....whats that?....

The CIA team just arrived to shut me up....but who cares, im not American after all.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:52 am

Is that its going to be released a month after I ship off to boot camp for the marines :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

But the whole thing about dragons, Dragons are huge, and they are hard to kill

Well, with this new engine and the elder scrolls play style, how will combat go against dragons?

I mean, realistically I don't think a dragon would be able to die if you just slash at its feet for awhile, that's how you kill stuff in elder scrolls, Slashing, Arrows, and Magic.

If you think about combat for elder scrolls games, and then think about how it would be against a giant dragon, it still seems like another plain fight, just tougher. Nothing really new or diffrent

I'm not complaining, I love TES, im just concerned the dragon idea wont be as amazing as they expect without changing something with combat to something similar to other games do when fighting a boss.

For a truly epic fight, slashing its feet just isn't epic, and wouldn't kill it.

You'd have to have skills in all combat areas to make for a really good fight, but also the developers should think about letting a player target a limb to make it slower, or the head to weaken it

Something different

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Emily Rose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:56 am

Did you actually fight Mehrunes Dagon in Obilivion?

Not avtually fight him but you come face to face with the Prince of Destruction when I first seen him I was like that is Mehrunes Dagon, s***!
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 pm

You'd be surprised how many RPG fans are in the military. Some of my best friends from when I was in were die-hard D&D fans.
Yes critical thinking is a very key part to being a soldier, as human lives are on the line very often in the military.
The women and children thing I will touch on briefly, but not in depth because of the rules of this forum. It ultimately comes down to survival.
If they are armed and are showing the intent to use deadly force against you and the people you have been training and living with for years, what would you do?
Yes it is disgusting and wrong, but really, what can you do in that situation? Two choices.
1 you do nothing, resulting in the deaths of yourself and and the soldiers around you... because you did nothing.
2 you take the shot, killing or disabling a hostile combatant potentially saving the lives of everyone else.
So I ask again... what do you do?
And as for you not being American, doesn't matter as you are still human. I was glad to help insure the safety of the people of Kosavo and Iraq.
I was proud to serve my Country, and I think it's great to see others choose to do the same. So yes, I will congratulate them on that choice.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 am


I admire your cool headed response, which is better than my angry post.I just cant deal with how cool and hip it is to be in the military.Its not a discussion we can have on this forum so ill make this my last post on the matter.

Hollywood and the pentagon work closely to make war look cool.Video games help the young people to think its glamorous.Then you have the home front idolizing the troops as if its WW2 they came from.Im certain the job is still difficult and heartbreaking at times but its not an honorable war.If you sign that application form, whether its in ignorence of the facts or not, you are part of the problem not the solution.More people want to attack the U.S today than pre- 2001 it seems...it saddens me to live in these times.Propaganda is such a potent weapon.

Anyway its my own fault for getting angry.In fairness though, this thread was made for the sole purpose of the OP announcing his career choice.I wonder what would happen if I made a thread saying I was joining the insurgents... bet that would get locked. :P

Good night and be well.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:20 am

Its hard to imagine an elder scrolls fan chanting "kill kill kill".Try to remain a critical thinker...and dont shoot any women or kids please.Its not gonna be anything like call of duty.

Dont really want to be so harsh, but patting people on the back for perpetuating the most disgusting side of humanity is wrong.

Hold on....whats that?....

The CIA team just arrived to shut me up....but who cares, im not American after all.

I know exactly what its going to be like

Call of duty is a game, war is nothing similar

Its not fun, its not about action, its not a game

I know what im getting into

Violence isn't the most disgusting side of humanity, its part of nature

Just because we've developed weapons doesn't make it less wrong, some primate species have been observed using tools to eat fruits and other task

Same concept as humans, just on a different level of proportionality

The war the US faces now, is one we shouldn't be fighting true, but the only way to end it and protect our country, is to just get in there and get it done as fast as possible
im joining that cause to end it
I dont want to just talk about it, i want to do something about it
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:29 pm

I admire your cool headed response, which is better than my angry post.I just cant deal with how cool and hip it is to be in the military.Its not a discussion we can have on this forum so ill make this my last post on the matter.

Hollywood and the pentagon work closely to make war look cool.Video games help the young people to think its glamorous.Then you have the home front idolizing the troops as if its WW2 they came from.Im certain the job is still difficult and heartbreaking at times but its not an honorable war.If you sign that application form, whether its in ignorence of the facts or not, you are part of the problem not the solution.More people want to attack the U.S today than pre- 2001 it seems...it saddens me to live in these times.Propaganda is such a potent weapon.

Anyway its my own fault for getting angry.In fairness though, this thread was made for the sole purpose of the OP announcing his career choice.I wonder what would happen if I made a thread saying I was joining the insurgents... bet that would get locked. :P

Good night and be well.
It was more of a intricate thesis to grab some attention and just add a silly detail to it. The thread was about how combat will be against dragons. I'm surprised that first sentence got the attention it did
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 am

I know exactly what its going to be like

Call of duty is a game, war is nothing similar

Its not fun, its not about action, its not a game

I know what im getting into

Violence isn't the most disgusting side of humanity, its part of nature

Just because we've developed weapons doesn't make it less wrong, some primate species have been observed using tools to eat fruits and other task

Same concept as humans, just on a different level of proportionality

The war the US faces now, is one we shouldn't be fighting true, but the only way to end it and protect our country, is to just get in there and get it done as fast as possible
im joining that cause to end it
I dont want to just talk about it, i want to do something about it

Oh god you sound so young.Its all well and good if it was true.A small number of men attacked you and now 2 ancient nations pay for it for 10 years...with no end in sight.Please just do some digging and watch some docs to get the whole story, when thats done at least you have all the available info.Then you can go save the world.

I really am not trolling you sir, just so hopelessly worried that people believe everything the white house tells them.I would even go so far to say, I care about you more than your own govt. does.

Edit- Oh and if I walk up to you and punch you in the face...its just nature right?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:15 am

Hollywood and the pentagon work closely to make war look cool.

I stopped reading right there. How many war films that have come out of Hollywood in the last 30yrs have you seen? Not many I'd wager because nearly all of them are far from making war look cool. I'll name some of my favs and they all depict war for what it is...hell?

The Deer Hunter
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Hamburger Hill
Casualties of War
Saving Private Ryan

You don't even live in this country so, you'd do well to stop bashing it.
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laila hassan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:04 am

Yeah, we did get a little off topic there... and a cigarette and sip of whiskey later...
Ok so the whole thing with fighting Dragons is that in most games you are on the ground with the dragon towering over you, causing you to slash at its ankles or shoot at it from a distance.
This has always looked stupid to me. Hopefully the way it plays out in Skyrim will be something more dynamic and well thought out than this.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one am tired of looking like I'm trying to cut off the dragons foot.
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Lily Something
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:50 am

Oh god you sound so young.Its all well and good if it was true.A small number of men attacked you and now 2 ancient nations pay for it for 10 years...with no end in sight.Please just do some digging and watch some docs to get the whole story, when thats done at least you have all the available info.Then you can go save the world.

I really am not trolling you sir, just so hopelessly worried that people believe everything the white house tells them.I would even go so far to say, I care about you more than your own govt. does.

Edit- Oh and if I walk up to you and punch you in the face...its just nature right?

If you were doing it for your survival, yes. However, that's why we've developed alternate ways to survive other than inter species conflict.

So in the case of the US, we were basically punched in the face, unless there's another reason, the reason i know is because a small Muslim extremist group wanted to get revenge on the US for modernizing their country to help them gain a stable government. We went in under consent from the leaders of those nations, and rebels who disagreed attacked their own people, and us. The nation is not not paying, on the terrorist. We work with those nations to root out the terrorist. Al-queda were the group behind 9/11, and the Taliban wanted to provide a safe haven to those terrorist who had a common interest in hating the US

What the terrorist did was not right, they did what they did based on extremist beliefs. Now if you know a different reason let me know, but its basic survival to defend ones territory when threatened. And according to the released information, we are in the middle east to disperse of terrorist training camps. Because if we just leave now, they will gain in numbers again, rebel against their own government, causing a civil war, And eventually returning to attack the US for westernizing the middle east.

So if you can disprove any of that, be my guest. I understand conspiracies, and maybe there is one. But we all have one human instinct, to survive. Thats what our government is trying to accomplish, if there's a secret reason, let me know
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Josee Leach
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:21 am


They serve to do the opposite actually.The facts are available to anybody who cares.This was the only doc I could find on it but it looks like it was made for college students...must be wrong yeah?

Actually Future weapons on the discovery channel is a great example.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:41 pm

Yeah, we did get a little off topic there... and a cigarette and sip of whiskey later...
Ok so the whole thing with fighting Dragons is that in most games you are on the ground with the dragon towering over you, causing you to slash at its ankles or shoot at it from a distance.
This has always looked stupid to me. Hopefully the way it plays out in Skyrim will be something more dynamic and well thought out than this.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one am tired of looking like I'm trying to cut off the dragons foot.

Exactly, i mean the idea of dragons is neat and all

But dragons is something hard to pull off, unless you have creative freedom, which bethseda is kind of restricted to.

They cant really change the combat alot, because the combat of TES is game defining, and the game combat just doesn't seem fit to fight a large epic beast
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 pm

Exactly, i mean the idea of dragons is neat and all

But dragons is something hard to pull off, unless you have creative freedom, which bethseda is kind of restricted to.

They cant really change the combat alot, because the combat of TES is game defining, and the game combat just doesn't seem fit to fight a large epic beast

It's the biggest problem I had with Dragon Age: Origins. Well, that and the fact that if I was the dragon I'd just eat the annoying little insect in its crunchy shell for its insolence.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 am


They serve to do the opposite actually.The facts are available to anybody who cares.This was the only doc I could find on it but it looks like it was made for college students...must be wrong yeah?

Actually Future weapons on the discovery channel is a great example.

For one thing DSC isn't Hollywood so your just mass generalizing all American media. Secondly there are plenty of sites on the Internet where you can discuss outdated conspiracy theories. Last but not least what you have done is the equivalent of calling my sister fat and ugly and although it may or may not be true your not family so your not allowed to say such things. I take great offense to any bad mouthing of this country by anyone that sits outside of it. So do me a favor and keep my country out of your mouth, we are here to discuss gaming.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 pm

shouldn't have decided to join the war machine of invasion. defending the country, heh - that's a good one.

the military is a glorified oil company nowadays. more civilians have died as a result of US invasion into the mid east than did in 9/11. So much for upholding freedom :)

And you miss skyrim! there just isn't an upside.
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Lyndsey Bird
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