So quite a few of us eat, sleep and dont fast travel... but that is sort of basic. I'm looking for super strict rules... Anyone got any ideas?
I play completely HUDless
I turn off the music
I only carry a realistic carry amount.
I do not heal in battle.
I do not swim in water.
I walk uphill.
I crouch to pick up alchemy ingredients.
I do not loot gold, ever. Income comes from gems I find or quest rewards.
I camp at night.
I do not use the local map
I only read if a book interests me, not for the skill point.
I never fight dragons unless I have the help of a town.
I feed my horse if I use one.
I dont loot enemies it makes no logical sense to loot ie Draughr.
Anything Im missing for an ultra hardcoe immersive RP experience?