» Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:49 am
Also there is 6 missing "X" ...
1. Southeast of the word "Eastmarch", a little above where the road make a corner to south and touch the "line" of the mountain...
2. Below Riften and a little east to the other "X" (yes, there are two "X" just below Riften)...
3. Very near left (west) of the "C" of Carthwasten, in top of the 2nd mountain... Or just below of the "M" in "Druadac Mountains", same place.
4. In the lake Klinalth...
5. South west of lake Henrich, where the road turns north (in the end of that montain "line")...
6. and the last one is very hard to explain... Lets see, right below the words "Velothi Mountains" there is a big mountain; to the right is another mountain, not so big. In the end of the "line" of that little mountain, where the red dotted line is, is also a "X" in the russian version of the map.
BTW, the red dotted line is the boundary between counties, is not roads.