Hanna Montana really :facepalm:
Go ol' wild wasteland.
Anyways they just look like tubes protectrons would be in, and I wouldn't doubt that protectrons would be placed there to protect the missle so it could be used, too bad weather experiments stopped that.
If I remember one of the devs said it would be an unexpected relationship, so I am clueless. With the ED-E thing, I got a nice silly idea. Maybe there fathers were in the Enclave, Ulysses doesn't seem too old so I doubt he would have been in it. There fathers were good friends and when the Chosen One was like, pow pow pow, there was a secret base at the Divide which was used in case of emergencies. They decided not to use the missle for whatever reason and maybe made a nice little settlement, The divide said "no u" and devastated a lot of it. There were small amounts of people left inclusing you and him. So life long friends Ulysses trusted you, but you betrayed him so maybe the courier did something or didn't do something. You had and have the knowledge to save the divide, but you decicded yo leave and save yourself. Ulysses has been trying to find you since, and then on the Mojave mailman service thing he decided to set up an ambush, but Benny got to you first. While he was searching for you for revenge he was also finding ways to help the divide. Now he has an oppurtunity to see what your know before he takes revenge.
Just a mention:
This is a stupid idea I just came up with in moments of seeing this.