Anyone else notice that Ulysses is a badarse? You can see traces of his combat though out Big Mt as well as Elijah and Christine they really went all out fighting. Im guessing ulysses weapon tag skills are Guns, Melee, Explosives and Sneak as Tagged. He fought all over the damn place. You can see white flagg marks that mark his secret cache locations as well as notice they always seem to have a form of shotgun or SMG as well as a combat knife. My guess he will probably have the grunt perk and have a special that looks like this S-6 or 7 P-6 E-10- C-4 or 5 I-7 or 9 A-8 or 9 L-5. He also seems to be neutral faction wise and can hold his own by himself against everything the Big MT has to offer which by mojave standards is very [censored] hard on very hard. Anyone else follow the blood trails to the caches or the bullet shells and such?