Getting close to finishing "Lonesome Road." Does he seem to "try to hard" to be Billy Badass? Whenever I hear him talk, it just seems... overdone?
Is this just me with a chip on my shoulder, or do others feel it, too?
Getting close to finishing "Lonesome Road." Does he seem to "try to hard" to be Billy Badass? Whenever I hear him talk, it just seems... overdone?
Is this just me with a chip on my shoulder, or do others feel it, too?
Oh, trust me, you're not the only one who thinks this. Everything about the character just seems really overdone. From his voice, his motives, and good God his use of symbolism in dialogue.
Just kill him when you get the first chance, only took about 2 conversations with him and I decided this guy has it coming!
I don't think he's trying to be Billy Badass, but I just hate someone who tries to cast you in a bad light no matter what you just can't please some people, so do the right thing and turn his head into a canoe.