I started up NV on my PS3 last night, but was watching the end of a show, so I skipped back to watch TV, while letting the game load up. Now, the load up for me consists of:
1) Trophy collection sync
2) Autosave warning/notification (you have to press OK)
3) Bethesda/Obsidian/company slides
4) 'Press start' screen
5) The main menu (continue, save, load, etc)
I have pretty much memorized this from all the times I've had to restart the system, etc. So I clicked through to the Press Start screen while watching TV.
The reason I ask is, when I was saving the game, I noticed my 9000MB save file suddenly became a 10MB save file. First I thought maybe I had created a new save, so I saved over a previous, large, save file and it too became a 10MB file. Subsequent saving yielded the same results.
I also noticed that in the 2-3 hours I played, the game didn't freeze or lockup at all! Even while running around in New Vegas and Freeside! Usually, it'll freeze at least once in that time period, requiring a system restart. So, was an update/patch released that I may have missed while not watching the load up screens? Or did my game just fix itself? Or is it something else?