Hello there!
The title says it already, I'm unable to buy this patch of land. There is the option to buy it from the steward, but the 5000 gold don't get removed from my inventory and the dialogue option just returns to "Is that land you mentioned still available?". Also no quest objective in my journal and the site where it should be built still looks as before. Simply put nothing happens.
Now I should mention that this is all my fault >.<
I already had purchased and built it, but then I disabled Hearthfire and saved my game... for reasons.
So has anyone any idea how to fix this? Via console commands?
The quest BYOHHouseFalkreath is at stage 100 after talking to her(before it is at 20). But I don't have the "Build Your Own Home" quest in my journal. Buying any other property still works so it must be because I had already built it and then disabled Hearthfire.
What do you say? Impossible to fix?
And no, I don't have any saves before doing that. :/