Unable to perform a normal shield bash

Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:06 pm

Anyone have any clue what mod or tweak could possibly cause this?

I use duel combat 7, staves of skyrim and a few AI mods and some animation mods...

I am unable to do a normal bash with my shield... yet I am able to do a power bash still! when I raise my shield and try to do a standard non-power bash, nothing happens and no stamina is consumed. Never recall seeing this happen before

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:18 pm

Do you use or have used before, Dual Wield Parrying, in this playthrough?

If you did and maybe deactivated it in the MCM menu, it will continue to interfere with your normal bashing unless you uninstall it completely (scripts and all).

If you never used it before, then I'm not sure what's going on sorry. This was a mod that caused a similar issue with my character before.

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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:42 pm

Hello, yes it seems to have something to do with duel wield parrying. I have it installed an active. with a shield up if I press the block "V" key with a shield, I'll raise the shield and then I can bash with it normally with the right mouse button, but not if I just do a right click block to raise the shield and try to bash...

If I deactivate the mod in mcm the issue goes away, reactivate it and it returns.
This is with 3.1b and it was a clean save / new game
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sarah taylor
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