On lvl 41, after joining the Companions and completing the Purity Quests for both Vilkas and Farkas, I trained Block with Njada, Heavy Armor with Farkas, and One-Handed with Athis. After leveling up to 42, I went back to train again and all three of these showed I had all ready trained 5/5. I thought it was strange because I had just leveled up, but waited until I leveled up to 43, and tried again, still showing 5/5 and now again at lvl 44 I'm still having the same issue. I went directly there after leveling up, haven't trained with anyone else and haven't even used these skills yet and all three still tell me I'm at 5/5. This is on Xbox 360. Couldn't find anything in a search... Anyone else seen this? Know what I can do about it? Thanks!!