Basically, I'm having a few issues with the official 'Siege at Firemoth' plugin.
When talking to the captain the doors do not unlock, so without using a spell/picking locks/using levitation it's impossible to get to the dock to board the boat.
I'm not sure if it's a bug - I'd be tempted to say it's a conflict if I didn't remember it happening from my old playthrough which was plain unmodded vanilla Morrowind - but I thought I'd work around it. I wanted to make a couple of little tweaks to it anyway (for example, changing the boat that's used, as when using MGE with water reflections you get a permanent reflection of the tiny boat, not to mention that it's visible with distant land on until you get close - which looks a bit odd....).
I've been adjusting the 'CharGenDialogueMessage' script (which is assigned to the captain) as follows:
begin CharGenDialogueMessage;give message before captian for dialogue, script goes on captainshort doneShort NoLoreshort state ;set to -1 when you give him papers, used in dialogueshort firemothshort fm_doneif ( menumode == 1) returnendifif ( done == 0 ) if ( GetDistance, Player < 300 ) if ( Xbox == 1 ) MessageBox "Press A to talk to the Captain. Select topics to ask about them. Don't try persuasion on him. If you're not good at it, he'll start to dislike you.", "Ok" else MessageBox "Press ^ActionActivate to talk to the Captain. Select topics to ask about them. Don't try persuasion on him. If you're not good at it, he will start to dislike you.", "Ok" endif set done to 1 endifendif; Unlock internal doors to allow player passage through the building to docks for Firemoth quest.if ( CharGenState == -1 ) if ( done == 1 ) if ( fm_done == 0 ) if ( firemoth == 1 ) Begin Unlock Unlock "ex_nord_door_01_FM" Unlock "CharGen Door Hall" End Unlock set fm_done to 1 endif endif endifendif
I've adjusted the Firemoth dialogue to set the 'firemoth' variable to 1 when the quest is accepted.
Using the above script neither door unlocks, however if I use:
if ( firemoth == 1 ) "ex_nord_door_01_FM"->unlock "CharGen Door Hall"->unlock set fm_done to 1
then the 'CharGen Door Hall' unlocks just fine, but the 'ex_nord_door_01_FM' does not.