» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:25 am
It's nice that Obsidian put in special moves you could learn from people, and special moves you could perform in VATS the higher skill you got. But I'd also like if the higher you put your Unarmed skill, the more advanced things you would be able to do, both inside and outside VATS, and you should also be able to target body parts, including eyes and groin. If you'd have an Unarmed skill like like I do in real life, probably 20, then you'd throw simple punches, maybe you throw em a bit too far which is not a good thing since you loose balance and ability to defend(?), and kicks that's not really that high or accurate. If it's 80 you could probably do a Taekwondo kick like http://levantaekwondo.com/images/levan3_new.jpg, and a lot of other cool and effective techniques. Beth or Obsidian (whoever develops Fallout 4) should integrate a lot of different kinds of martial arts, like boxing, street fighting, Takewondo etc., into the one fighting technique your character with a 100 Unarmed skill would have, you'd see hints of many different martial arts.
In VATS, you should be able to target body parts and have different options for each for what you want to do, like if you're in Sneak mode and target the head, you can choose to break his neck. If you target his eyes, you could gouge his eyes out, render him blind. I also think that when you cripple a limb, it should actually be useless. Break someones arm, and he drops his weapon, and he should not go and pick it up again and proceede to attack you with it. The arm should hang there limbly, and he could continue to attack you but use only one arm (shooting a pistol with one hand, or trying something two-handed in one hand, or just punch you) or flee. If you cripple both legs, he should be http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Immobile. Same thing goes for you. You can still defend yourself, though, and crawl but it's no good way of traveling. Try healing one of your legs with the Doctor Medicine skill (and the help of a Doctor's Bag, but you should be able to manage without one, just not as effective)
So, in short - a much more varied combat, the higher your skill is. You should be able to target limbs, eyes and groin in VATS, and cripple should mean cripple (ouch, a crippled groin!). You should still be able to learn special moves from people though. Also, if you read enough Unarmed magazines, you'd soon would have learnt something permanent and therefore has gained a new special move.
Also, on topic: I'm trying an Unarmed character, but kinda got bored with her becasue she turned out real ugly from the face generator, and I didn't make up any interesting personality or story for her..