1.) What more area? We covered DT bupass, crit rate, special effect, cripple, hit rate, reload and variety. Pushy/Ballistic Fist does about equal damage to .45-70 Guns, Multiplas/Plasma Caster, Shishkebab/Fire Axes and Annabel. All these have there own strength and weakness, Unarmed isn't above them at all. In fact, Unarmed doesn't have a big hitter like other weapon type.
2.) You can use cover and tactics with range weapon as well; and with weapon mention above I don't see how enemy have more "chances".
3.) Still better than other weapons.
4.) It is comes to PC and PS3.
1. When creating a character I refuse to gimp myself unless I fully roleplay, so I don't see why I should not take those perks, the difference with Unarmed and the other weapons are several things, I've used Plasma Caster and I'm not impressed, it's slow in ROF, reload time and projectile speed, and if you miss (which you will) then it's a shot you've wasted.
With Unarmed on the other hand all you have to do is close the distance then punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch.
No need to worry about running out of ammo, reloading, missing a shot, or using special ammo for any enemy.
Multiplas is just an ammo drainer and hardly works, I've tried using it several times and the damage doesn't register for me, must be a bug or something but I still don't consider it a good weapon, just an ammo drainer.
Anabelle, while highly powerful, is slow as hell and a double edged weapon.
.45-70, I don't use Guns so much but I'm guessing it's about the same as for Plasma Caster except better damage and faster projectiles, still, I'm not 100% about these weapons.
Shishkebab/Fireaxe, haven't played Melee yet, on a hiatus atm, gonna try it out later, still, if they're as powerful or more powerful than Unarmed weapons are then I guess they should be given a slight nerf as well. (But I'm very uncertain of this, will decide my opinion on them when I've played a Melee character.)
2. What I meant is that the range isn't a problem if you know how to use cover, never said it was exclusive to unarmed/melee characters, just as viable if not more viable for ranged combat skills.
3. Hmm, Luck 10, Ninja, Finesse = 30% base crit chance. Far better than any other combat skill as far as I know of.
Still, most weapons only have 1x multiplier in Unarmed but remember that with Slayer Unarmed weapons attack far faster and each hit has a 30% chance to critically hit while with most ranged weapons we have to carefully place our shots so that we don't miss.
Face hugging with ranged weapons is also not really comparable, cause at some point you need to reload while Unarmed can just mash more attacks on top of more attacks.
4. But until then I won't include it.