These are some of the perks I've figured out so far:
Heavy Armor
Juggernaut - 1/5 (Required for FoS)
Fists of Steel - 1/1
Light Armor
Stealth - 5/5
Muffled Movement - 1/1
Light Foot - 1/1
Silent Roll - 1/1
Silence - 1/1
Shadow Warrior - 1/1
Light Fingers - 1/5
Night Thief - 1/1
Extra Pockets - 1/1
Poisoned - 1/1
Novice Alteration - 1/1
Apprentice Alteration - 1/1
Magic Resistance - 3/3
Those are some useful perks I can see being good for utility/general effectiveness and whatnot, but beyond that I really don't know where I would want my perks to go into. This leads me to ask a few questions.
1) Does having only heavy armor on the hands and nowhere else effect how easily detected you are when sneaking?
2) Fists of Steel, do they add the FULL armor from your hand equipment, or do they only add the BASE armor from your hand equipment as damage? (ie Would using the smithing/alchemy/enchanting loop to get high armor rating on Daedric Gauntlets work, or would it have the same effect has having un-upgraded Daedric Gauntlets?
3) (scroll down) says max unarmed damage is 61. I was wondering, to get the Fortify Unarmed +14, is there any requirement for alchemy, or can that much be gained simply with the Enchanting?
4) Add any perks/advice you have on me making this better, if you can!
Chances are for RP purposes, I'm just going to use Heavy Armor on the hands only, and everywhere else I will just use whatever looks best on a Khajiit to make me look Monk/Pugilist-y. So chances are I'll end up mix/matching a bunch of gear, or ending up completely naked even.