I don't get it, you really have some glaring errors with this dlc. I hope you bother to fix them.
1. You can't remodel your house. It's a build your own house dlc and you can't remodel if you're unhappy or make a mistake? Words can't describe how amature that is. Why wouldn't you let us set a wing to default and start again? It's incomprehensible that you didn't add a reset feature for any part of the house. That's basic common sense stuff.
2. No matter how I set up my home when i go away on missions and come back the items I've beautifuly placed are strewn all over the place, like my house is haunted. I can't even decorate my house the way I want.
3. When you build the greenhouse wing there is no option to add a behive, you just have no choice and automatically get one that ruins the ambiance. The audio the same volume level as it is in the wild so its very very loud. I feel like I'm living in a behive. Why not have a hive as a build option and not automatic. I restarted from level 1 and made my house again because of that audio being so annoying. I assumed i'd accidentally bought a hive but you get no choice! I'd love a greenhouse and have all things optional. Why don't you make things optional... why? Especially seeing it's so intrusive. You test this dlc?
4. When you get a housecarl no matter how cool the clothes are you set them up as a follower before they become your housecarl, they default back to thier rusty iron looking crap they began in and you cannot give them anything anymore. Why not? Why remove that option? It's more important than ever to dress them how you like as they are now living in your home! Can't I still decide how they dress? They are my staff for gods sake. It boggles the mind you thought this was a good idea to remove that option.
5. I hired a carrage. Changed my mind and thought I no longer wanted that eyesore taking up the real estate right outside my front door. Do i have any options to remove it? Of course not! It's there forever! Why not have an option "your services are no longer required"? in the list. And it leaves. Why is it permanently there? Why dont you let us decide for ourselves if something we tried was a good idea for us and let us change our mind. This is basic stuff.
It's shocking that everything in this dlc is permanent with no options at all to alter anything. One wrong click and it's screwed forever. Does that make sense? Is that intelligent design?
I'm dissapointed. Seems like you need a clear thinker on your team. This stuff would have been obvious in the first day of testing if I was there.