Getting back into Skyrim, doing a pretty heavily modded playthrough, most notably: Live Another Life. However, I selected "I was caught crossin the border illegally" so effectively I'm doing vanilla Helgen - Unbound quest - start.
When Hadvar and I got past the fight with the two Stormcloaks at the pool of oil and the bridge, and then the collapse that seals the way behind, I raced on ahead of him to try to kill the following stuff alone. I accomplished this, but then when I went back, he is just standing there.
When I interact with him he says "I think we're almost out. Lets go." or some such, but then just stands there.
I have already killed the frostbite spiders and the bear.
I can go on out into the game world and play, but obviously if the "Unbound" quest is not marked as completed, that is likely to cause issues. When I exit Helgen cave level, the dragon does not fly over and when I go around back into Helgen, the Thalmer lady is standing there.
What do you guys suggest I do to fix it?
I was thinking of using player.moveto 002BFA2 (Hadvar's id) so that I do not have to run back around (I logged off on the upstream side of the blockage, and last I saw him he was just downstream of it where the caves start). Then run down to the location of the bear, then hit: prid 002BFA2 followed by movetoplayer.
This will at least get Hadvar to the location where the quest ends, i.e., the area between the bear spawn and the exit to Skyrim. If that doesn't prompt him to complete the last portions of his scripts, I'm not sure what to do but maybe setting the Helgen location to be cleared? SetLocationCleared 0x00018a4a