It basically means that when you saved you had certain content in the game but now that you are loading it won't be in the game. IIRC run for your lives is a mod that makes npcs run from dragons. Now they won't. It shouldn't be a problem. Now if you were in the middle of an expanded land from a mod and got rid of it that might cause problems. But this shouldn't.
Here is the problem. Mods put information into save files. Sometimes this is script related, sometimes it is an object reference or something else. Removing a mod and loading a save that had that mod is almost always a recipe for problems, if not immediately, down the road as your save file corrupts. It is never a good idea to remove a mod from a character unless you have a save from before you installed the mod.
Is it a guaranteed hose of the save file to remove a mod? No, if the mod is not too scripty. Is it likely to cause problems? Yes, even if it is not a scripty mod.
This is why you need to have a test save, preferably made with no mods at all, to test new mods out with. Once you know you like the mod, then load up the character you care about and play on.
I consider the mod that preserves the NPCs from the game's actions to be fairly important, so I can't see a reason to remove this mod myself.
That's from author of that mode !!!!
Remove the two files from the Data folder.
This mod has no continually updating scripts so the contamination of your save game will be minimal.
However i would suggest you to disable that mod for testing purposes, and on a different save, as your current one. !!!
Unchecking a mod itself will not do anything. That message is a warning message. You can safely load a save. This is sometimes needed for troubleshooting and you don't want to overwrite any saves if you are TS'ing.
OVerwriting the save with a disabled mod CAN be a problem. It depends on the mod. Run for your life just allows citizens to flee from dragons I think. You might consider just leaving it in.