Uncompiliable OOO scripts

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:40 am

Is there some reason that the container scripts in OOO (with the general exception of the 3DEJharvest) won't compile due to block errors?

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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:19 am

It's possible some of them have mismatching if-endifs but in a way that doesn't break the scripting flow (e.g. it has an extra endif at the very end of the script). If you load up the cs with OBSE it will give you an error when it finds a mismatching if-endif, resulting in not being able to compile it.
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Alexandra walker
Posts: 3441
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:04 am

How were they put in the mod in the first place if they're uncompililable?

I can't find what to do to make them compile. Can anyone help me aching head?

Apologies for the size of the post.

scriptName 13ContTrapCrimeNoHiFi01; Adapted and reworked script based off Lap's Security Rebalance,; Scruggsywuggsy's LockBash 1.1 and Dejunai's Harvest Containers' code.; These scripts have suffixes to indicate whether they are trapped and whether they trigger; crime detection by nearby NPCs. Traps are given in the OnLoad block, only for locks; below lvl 100. Crime detection vs angering "evil" faction beings is decided in the ; GameMode block, right at the start of the bashing code. LbSpellOOO indicates Crime and; lbspell2OOO indicates angering "evil" faction beings (used in non-law-abiding areas).; Harvest Container functions obey a global check so that they can be turned on or off in; console. The code also allows NPCs from certain factions to loot the contents of the; container. Also, they can be affected by traps, although the system for this is different; than the traps' system responsible for player-interaction with the container. Finally, the; suffix NR is assigned to those containers not set to respawn, for HC purposes.; Jorge "Oscuro" Salgado; NPC ref for looting/trap checks & randomizing trap variablesRef LooterShort ZapLooterChanceShort ZapsvckaShort UnlockLooterChanceShort LooterLockPicksShort SoundClosedShort SoundOpen; Lb's short and float listshort iAmTargetshort cancelTargetshort curHealthfloat startDistfloat startAnglefloat curAngle; End Lb's short and float list; Lap's short and ref listshort trappedshort detectedshort buttonshort whoopsshort lockedonceshort magicshort randomref losshort spellcountershort combatcheckshort message; End Lap's short and ref list; OOO's short listshort H2HBashingshort TwoHBladeBashingshort TwoHBluntBashingshort OneHBluntBashingshort OneHBladeBashingshort DaleDuro; End OOO's short listshort sOpenshort sPlayerOwned;************************************************* Lap's Begin OnLoad Inclusionbegin OnLoadIf OOOHC == 1	If sOpen == 4		PlayGroup Forward 1	EndIfEndifif GetLocked == 1 && GetLockLevel != 100set trapped to 1else	returnendifendBegin OnReset  ; EnableIf OOOHC == 1  Set sOpen to 0  Reset3DStateEndifEndbegin onActivate  If IsActionRef Player != 1    Activate	If OOOHC == 1			If sOpen > 0     		PlayGroup Backward 1      		Set sOpen to 0    		Else     		PlayGroup Forward 1      		Set sOpen to 5    		EndIf	Endif	Set Looter to GetActionRef	If Looter.GetInFaction AdventurerFaction		If Trapped == 1 && GetLocked == 1 ; adds below what happens if locked and trapped			Set ZapLooterChance to GetRandomPercent			If ZapLooterChance <= 50				Set Zapsvcka to GetRandomPercent				If Zapsvcka <= 10					Cast TrapContainerBoltLvl1 Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 10 && Zapsvcka <= 20					Cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl1 Looter					Cast StandardSilence3Journeyman Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 20 && Zapsvcka <= 30					Cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl1 Looter					Cast StandardDrainMagicka3Journeyman Looter					Cast TrapContainerFireLvl1 Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 30 && Zapsvcka <= 40					Cast TrapContainerBoltLvl2 Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 40 && Zapsvcka <= 50					Cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl2 Looter					Cast StandardSilence3Journeyman Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 50 && Zapsvcka <= 60					Cast StandardDrainMagicka4Expert Looter	   				Cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl2 Looter					Cast StandardDisintegrateArmor2Apprentice Looter					Cast TrapContainerFireLvl2 Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 60 && Zapsvcka <= 70					Cast TrapContainerBoltLvl3 Looter					Cast StandardShockDamageTarget5Master Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 70 && Zapsvcka <= 80					Cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl3 Looter					Cast StandardSilence4Expert Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 80 && Zapsvcka <= 90					Cast StandardDrainMagicka5Master Looter					Cast StandardDisintegrateArmor2Apprentice Looter					Cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl3 Looter				Elseif Zapsvcka > 90 && Zapsvcka <= 100					Cast TrapContainerFireLvl4 Looter					Cast TrapContainerFireLvl2 Looter				Endif			Endif ; adds below what happens when container does not zap or has zapped			Set Trapped to 0		Endif ; adds below what happens if the container is not trapped and is locked		If GetLocked == 1 && Trapped == 0			Set UnlockLooterChance to GetRandomPercent			Set LooterLockPicks to Looter.GetItemCount Lockpick			If GetLockLevel <= 40 && LooterLockPicks >= 1				If UnlockLooterChance <= 65					If Looter.GetDead != 1						Looter.RemoveItem Lockpick 1						Unlock						RemoveAllItems Looter						If OOOHC != 1							PlaySound3D DRSChestOpen						Endif						Return					Else						Return					Endif				Else					If OOOHC != 1						PlaySound3D DRSChestLocked					Endif					Looter.EVP					Return				Endif			Elseif GetLockLevel > 40 && GetLockLevel != 100 && LooterLockPicks >= 3				If UnlockLooterChance <= 50					If Looter.GetDead != 1						Looter.RemoveItem Lockpick 3						Unlock						RemoveAllItems Looter						If OOOHC != 1							PlaySound3D DRSChestOpen						Endif						Return					Else						Return					Endif				Else					If OOOHC != 1						PlaySound3D DRSChestLocked					Endif					Looter.EVP					Return				Endif			Elseif LooterLockPicks == 0 || GetLockLevel == 100 ; lock-level 100 = needs key				If OOOHC != 1					PlaySound3D DRSChestLocked				Endif				Looter.EVP				Return			Endif		Elseif GetLocked == 0 && Trapped == 0 ; adds below what happens when not trapped or not locked			Unlock			If Looter.GetDead != 1				RemoveAllItems Looter				If OOOHC != 1					PlaySound3D DRSChestOpen				Endif				Return			Else				Return			Endif		Endif ; end of checks for container's states (locked and/or trapped)	Endif; adds below what happens when the looter is not an adventurer	If OOOHC != 1		If GetLocked == 1			PlaySound3D DRSChestLocked		Elseif GetLocked != 1			PlaySound3D DRSChestOpen		Endif		Endif    	Return  EndIfIf OOOHC == 1  If IsAnimPlaying == 1    Return  EndIf  If sOpen == 4    If Player.IsSneaking == 1      PlayGroup Backward 0      Set sOpen to 0    Else      Activate    EndIf    Return  EndIf  If GetLocked == 0    DisablePlayerControls    PlayGroup Forward 0    Set sOpen to 3    Return  EndIf;  Set sPlayerOwned to 0;  If IsOwner == 1;    Set sPlayerOwned to 1;  ElseIf IsOwner Blades == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction Blades == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner MagesGuild == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction MagesGuild == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner ThievesGuild == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction ThievesGuild == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner FightersGuild == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction FightersGuild == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner DarkBrotherhood == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner ArenaCombatants == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction ArenaCombatants == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner KnightsWhiteStallion == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction KnightsWhiteStallion == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner KnightsThornFaction == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction KnightsThornFaction == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner MythicDawn == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction MythicDawn == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner MQEndFaction == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction MQEndFaction == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  ElseIf IsOwner PlayerFaction == 1;    If Player.GetInFaction PlayerFaction == 1;      Set sPlayerOwned to 1;    Else;      Set sPlayerOwned to -1;    EndIf;  EndIf;  If sPlayerOwned == 1;    DisablePlayerControls;    PlayGroup Forward 0;    Set sOpen to 3;    Return;  EndIf;  If sPlayerOwned == 0;    If Player.IsInMyOwnedCell == 1;      Unlock;      DisablePlayerControls;      PlayGroup Forward 0;      Set sOpen to 3;      Return;    EndIf;  EndIf  If GetLocked == 1    Set sOpen to 1;    Activate  EndIfEndif	if ( isActionRef player == 0 ) ; npc trying to activate, so do normal action		activate;OOO: laps inclusion***********begin	elseif GetLocked == 0		set whoops to 0		Activate player		If OOOHC != 1			Set SoundOpen to 1		Endif		Return;OOO: laps inclusion***********end	elseif ( iAmTarget == 1 )		return ; already targeted for bashing	elseif ( ( player.IsWeaponOut == 0 || player.IsSneaking == 1 ) && LapNoCombatLock == 1 &&  player.IsInCombat == 1 )		Message "I cannot lockpick while in combat!"		return	elseif ( ( player.IsWeaponOut == 1 && player.IsSneaking == 0 ) && player.GetAv Strength < 35 )		Message "I am not strong enough to bash this lock open"		return	elseif player.GetActorValue Security + 39 < GetLockLevel && GetLocked == 1 && GetLockLevel != 100 && LAPMinLock == 1 && ( player.IsWeaponOut == 0 || player.IsSneaking == 1 )	   	Message "This lock is beyond my abilities." 		Return	elseif ( player.IsWeaponOut == 0 || iAmTarget == 1 || getLockLevel == 100 || player.IsSneaking ) ; (( player.getweaponskilltype != 2 && player.getweaponanimtype != 2 ) || ( player.getweaponskilltype != 0 && player.getweaponanimtype != 0 ))		;OOO: added && trapped == 2 + condensed the bashing disabled conditions, got rid of its GetLocked == 0 condition, as I wrote that one above.;OOO: Lap's Inclusion************************************************begin (desired trap section of Lap's OnActivate block)				if trapped == 1		set whoops to 1			If detected == 1				MessageBox "I suspect that there is a trap here. Should I attempt to disarm it?", "No, don't open it", "Yes, open it"				Set message to 1			endif    			If detected == 0    				If player.GetActorValue Luck /4 + GetRandomPercent + player.GetActorValue Security >= GetLockLevel / 2 +100 + LapTrapDifficulty					MessageBox "I suspect that there is a trap here. Should I attempt to disarm it?", "No, don't open it", "Yes, open it"					Set message to 1     				Set detected to 1				else					set whoops to 1					Activate Player					If OOOHC != 1						Set SoundOpen to 1					Endif    				endif   			endif		else			set whoops to 0 ;OOO: Added line			Activate Player			If OOOHC != 1				Set SoundOpen to 1			Endif			Return		endif	else;Lap's Inclusion**********************************************************end		set startDist to getDistance player		set startAngle to ( player.getAngle z )		if ( startAngle < 0 )			set startAngle to ( startAngle + 360 )		endif		set iAmTarget to 1		playmagicshadervisuals effectSoulTrap		set lbBashMeOOO to 1 ; tells power attack voice to play on next swing		if ( curHealth == 0 ) ; set up lock health based on lock level			if ( getLockLevel <= 7 )				set curHealth to 120 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel <= 20 )				set curHealth to 250 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel <= 40 )				set curHealth to 370 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLocklevel <= 80 )				set curHealth to 490 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel <= 99 )				set curHealth to 610 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel < 121 ) ; shouldn't be needed but justin case				set cancelTarget to 1				return			endif		endif	endifendif;OOO: Lap's Inclusion************************************************begin (Modified bashing section of Lap's OnActivate block)				if player.GetWeaponSkillType == 0 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 0				set H2HBashing to ( player.GetActorValue strength / 4 + player.GetActorValue handtohand / 7 + GetRandomPercent / 2 )								elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 1 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 1				set OneHBladeBashing to ( player.GetActorValue strength / 3 + player.GetActorValue blade / 6 + GetRandomPercent / 2 )				endif				elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 1 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 2							set TwoHBladeBashing to ( player.GetActorValue strength / 2 + player.GetActorValue blade / 4 + GetRandomPercent / 2 )				endif					elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 2 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 1							set OneHBluntBashing to ( player.GetActorValue strength / 3 + player.GetActorValue blunt / 4 + GetRandomPercent / 2 )				endif				else player.GetWeaponSkillType == 2 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 2							set TwoHBluntBashing to ( player.GetActorValue strength / 2 + player.GetActorValue blunt / 2 + GetRandomPercent / 2 )				endif;Lap's Inclusion**********************************************************endendBegin MenuMode 1014If OOOHC == 1  If sOpen == 1    Set sOpen to 2  EndIfEndifEndBegin MenuMode 1008If OOOHC == 1  If sOpen == 1    Unlock    PlayGroup Forward 0    Set sOpen to 4  EndIfEndifIf OOOHC != 1	If SoundOpen == 1		PlaySound DRSChestOpen		Set SoundOpen to 0		Set SoundClosed to 1	EndifEndif		Endbegin GameMode ;**********************************************GAME MODE ON*************************************If OOOHC != 1 && MenuMode != 1	If SoundClosed == 1		PlaySound3D DRSChestClose		Set SoundClosed to 0	EndifEndifIf GetDistance Player >= 256 && LapDetectTrapsSpell != 1ReturnEndif;************************************************* Lap's Trap Section of GameModeif iAmTarget == 1	if LapNoCombatLock == 1 && ( player.IsInCombat == 1 )		set combatcheck to 1		if GetLocked == 1 			Message "There is no time for lockpicking or bashing!" 4			set cancelTarget to 1			set iAmTarget to 0			set lbBashMeOOO to 0			stopMagicShaderVisuals effectSoulTrap;			Return		endif	elseif LapNoCombatLock == 1 && ( player.IsInCombat == 0 )		if GetLocked == 1 			set combatcheck to 0		endif	endifendif;if DaleDuro == 1if message == 0set button to -1endifif message == 1set button to GetButtonPressedendifif button == 0 || button == 1set whoops to 0set message to 0endif; set los to GetSelfif trapped == 1 && LapDetectTrapsSpell == 1 && spellcounter == 0	set los to GetSelf	if player.GetLOS los == 1	set detected to 1	endifPlayMagicShaderVisuals effectEnchantDestructionset spellcounter to 2endifif trapped != 1 || LapDetectTrapsSpell == 0StopMagicShaderVisuals effectEnchantDestructionendifif LapDetectTrapsSpell == 0set spellcounter to 0endif	if button == 1 && trapped == 1    			 		If player.GetActorValue Luck /4 + GetRandomPercent + player.GetActorValue Security  >= GetLockLevel / 3 +100 + LapTrapDifficulty 			 		PlaySound UILockTumblerLock						If player.GetActorValue Luck /4 + GetRandomPercent + player.GetActorValue Security  >= GetLockLevel / 3 +100 + LapTrapDifficulty							set random to GetRandomPercent							if player.GetLevel <= 15								if random <= 25								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a shocking poison."								player.additem LAPPoisonShockingAOOO 1								endif								if random > 25 && random <= 50								player.additem LAPPoisonCombustionAOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a combustion poison."								endif								if random > 50 && random <= 75								player.additem LAPPoisonFreezingGraspAOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a freezing grasp poison."								endif								if random >75 && random <=99								player.additem LAPPoisonRustAOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a devouring rust poison."								endif							endif							if player.GetLevel > 15 && player.GetLevel <= 30								if random <= 25								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a shocking poison."								player.additem LAPPoisonShockingBOOO 1								endif								if random > 25 && random <= 50								player.additem LAPPoisonCombustionBOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a combustion poison." 								endif								if random > 50 && random <= 75								player.additem LAPPoisonFreezingGraspBOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a freezing grasp poison." 								endif								if random >75 && random <=99								player.additem LAPPoisonRustBOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a devouring rust poison."								endif							endif							if player.GetLevel > 30								if random<= 25								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a shocking poison."								player.additem LAPPoisonShockingCOOO 1								endif								if random > 25 && random <= 50								player.additem LAPPoisonCombustionCOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a combustion poison."								endif								if random > 50 && random <= 75								player.additem LAPPoisonFreezingGraspCOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a freezing grasp poison."								endif								if random >75 && random <=99								player.additem LAPPoisonRustCOOO 1								MessageBox "Trap disarmed and extracted. I gained a devouring rust poison."								endif							endif ;OOO: 3 endifs left						else						Message "Trap disarmed" 4						endif ;OOO: 2 endifs left                 		else                 			if player.GetActorValue Agility / 4 + player.GetActorValue Acrobatics / 2 + GetRandomPercent + player.GetActorValue Luck / 3 + LapTrapDifficulty > 120						cast LAPDodgedOOO player						TriggerHitShader 2						Message "I dodged the trap!" 4						else                   			set whoops to 1  						endif      			    		endif ;OOO: Last endif.	set trapped to 2		   	    	set button to -1	endifendifif whoops == 1 && message == 0set whoops to GetRandomPercent		if player.GetLevel <= 10		if whoops <= 25		cast TrapContainerBoltLvl1 player		endif		if whoops > 25 && whoops <= 50		cast TrapContainerFireLvl1 player		endif		if whoops > 50 && whoops <= 75		cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl1 player		cast StandardSilence3Journeyman player		endif		if whoops > 75 && whoops <= 99		cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl1 player		cast StandardDrainMagicka3Journeyman player		endif	endif	if player.GetLevel > 10 && player.GetLevel <=20		if whoops <= 25		cast TrapContainerBoltLvl2 player 		endif		if whoops > 25 && whoops <= 50		cast TrapContainerFireLvl2 player		endif		if whoops > 50 && whoops <= 75		cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl2 player		cast StandardSilence3Journeyman player		endif		if whoops > 75 && whoops <= 99		cast StandardDrainMagicka4Expert player	     cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl2 player		cast StandardDisintegrateArmor2Apprentice player		endif	endif	if player.GetLevel > 20 && player.GetLevel <= 30		if whoops <= 25		cast TrapContainerBoltLvl3 player		endif		if whoops > 25 && whoops <= 50		cast TrapContainerFireLvl3 player		endif		if whoops > 50 && whoops <= 75		cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl3 player		cast StandardSilence4Expert player		endif		if whoops > 75 && whoops <= 99		cast StandardDrainMagicka5Master player		cast StandardDisintegrateArmor2Apprentice player		cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl3 player		endif	endif	if player.GetLevel > 30		if whoops <= 25		cast StandardShockDamageTarget5Master player		cast TrapContainerBoltLvl3 player		endif		if whoops > 25 && whoops <= 50		cast TrapContainerFireLvl4 player		endif		if whoops > 50 && whoops <= 75		cast TrapContainerDarkIceStormLvl3 player		cast StandardSilence5Master player		cast StandardFrostDamageTarget5Master player		endif		if whoops > 75 && whoops <= 99		cast StandardDrainMagicka3Journeyman player	     cast StandardDrainMagicka5Master player		cast StandardDisintegrateArmor4Expert player		cast TrapContainerDamageHealthLvl3 player		endif	endif set whoops to 0 set trapped to 2endifIf OOOHC == 1  If IsAnimPlaying == 1    Return  EndIf  If sOpen == 5    PlayGroup Backward 1    Set sOpen to 0    Return  EndIf  If sOpen == 3    EnablePlayerControls    Set sOpen to 4    Activate    Return  EndIf  If sOpen == 2    If GetLocked == 1      Set sOpen to 0    EndIf    Return  EndIf  If sOpen == 1    If GetLocked == 1      Set sOpen to 0    EndIf  EndIfEndif;***************************************Lb's GameMode Code:if ( cancelTarget < 0 ) ; door was just bashed open, but don't activate immediately	set cancelTarget to ( cancelTarget - 1 )	if ( cancelTarget < -25 )		stopMagicShaderVisuals effectSoulTrap		activate player		If OOOHC != 1			Set SoundOpen to 1		Endif		set cancelTarget to 0		set iAmTarget to 0		set lbBashMeOOO to 0	else		return	endifelseif ( cancelTarget == 1 ) ; door became untargeted for some reason, so untarget it	set cancelTarget to 0	if ( iAmTarget )		set iAmTarget to 0		set lbBashMeOOO to 0		stopmagicshadervisuals effectSoulTrap	endif	returnelseif ( iAmTarget == 0 )	return ; skip everything below if not currently targetedendifif ( getDistance player > ( startDist + 50 ) ) ; cancel target when player moves too far away	set cancelTarget to 1	returnelseif ( player.IsSneaking || player.IsWeaponOut == 0 || player.getAv strength < 35 || getLocked == 0 || getLockLevel == 100 ) 	set cancelTarget to 1 ; player no longer equipped for bashing or door was successfully unlocked ; OOO: Added condition for Trap needing to be disabled.	return;elseif ( player.getWeaponSkillType != 2 && player.getWeaponAnimType != 2 ); only blunt or 2-hand swords	;set cancelTarget to 1 ; player changed weapons or broke his weapon OOO: Got rid of these conditions, as now all weapons can bash.	;returnelseif ( lbBashMeOOO == -1 ) ; player just swung weapon at this door	if ( ( curHealth / player.getav strength ) > 8 ) ; not strong enough		message "I am not strong enough to bash this lock open."		set cancelTarget to 1		return	else		cast lbSpell2OOO player ; broadcasts sound of bashing to nearby enemies		if player.GetWeaponSkillType == 0 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 0 ; OOO: This specifies the values for substracting from Chest's health by the type of weapon used in the bashing.		set curHealth to ( curHealth - H2HBashing );		lock 121 ; makes lock unpickable - no need for this, really...		if ( curHealth < 1 ) ; OOO: Added If/endif for trap's spring if unlocked without detecting/disarming.			if trapped == 1				set whoops to 1			else			unlock			If OOOHC == 1			    PlayGroup Forward 0			    Set sOpen to 4			Endif;			message "You bashed open the lock!"			set cancelTarget to -1;			set iAmTarget to 0;			set lbBashMeOOO to 0			set curhealth to 0;			activate player-don't do this immediately...wait until swing finishes, above			return			endif		else;			message "You damaged the door."			set lbBashMeOOO to 1		endif	elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 1 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 1 ; OOO: This specifies the values for substracting from Chest's health by the type of weapon used in the bashing.		set curHealth to ( curHealth - OneHBladeBashing );		lock 121 ; makes lock unpickable - no need for this, really...		if ( curHealth < 1 )			if trapped == 1				set whoops to 1			else			unlock			If OOOHC == 1			    PlayGroup Forward 0			    Set sOpen to 4			Endif;			message "You bashed open the lock!"			set cancelTarget to -1;			set iAmTarget to 0;			set lbBashMeOOO to 0			set curhealth to 0;			activate player-don't do this immediately...wait until swing finishes, above			return			endif		else;			message "You damaged the door."			set lbBashMeOOO to 1		endif	elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 1 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 2 ; OOO: This specifies the values for substracting from Chest's health by the type of weapon used in the bashing.		set curHealth to ( curHealth - TwoHBladeBashing );		lock 121 ; makes lock unpickable - no need for this, really...		if ( curHealth < 1 )			if trapped == 1				set whoops to 1			else			unlock			If OOOHC == 1			    PlayGroup Forward 0			    Set sOpen to 4			Endif;			message "You bashed open the lock!"			set cancelTarget to -1;			set iAmTarget to 0;			set lbBashMeOOO to 0			set curhealth to 0;			activate player-don't do this immediately...wait until swing finishes, above			return			endif		else;			message "You damaged the door."			set lbBashMeOOO to 1		endif	elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 2 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 1 ; OOO: This specifies the values for substracting from Chest's health by the type of weapon used in the bashing.		set curHealth to ( curHealth - OneHBluntBashing );		lock 121 ; makes lock unpickable - no need for this, really...		if ( curHealth < 1 )			if trapped == 1				set whoops to 1			else			unlock			If OOOHC == 1			    PlayGroup Forward 0			    Set sOpen to 4			Endif;			message "You bashed open the lock!"			set cancelTarget to -1;			set iAmTarget to 0;			set lbBashMeOOO to 0			set curhealth to 0;			activate player-don't do this immediately...wait until swing finishes, above			return			endif		else;			message "You damaged the door."			set lbBashMeOOO to 1		endif	elseif player.GetWeaponSkillType == 2 && player.GetWeaponAnimType == 2 ; OOO: This specifies the values for substracting from Chest's health by the type of weapon used in the bashing.		set curHealth to ( curHealth - TwoHBluntBashing );		lock 121 ; makes lock unpickable - no need for this, really...		if ( curHealth < 1 )			if trapped == 1				set whoops to 1			else			unlock			If OOOHC == 1			    PlayGroup Forward 0			    Set sOpen to 4			Endif;			message "You bashed open the lock!"			set cancelTarget to -1;			set iAmTarget to 0;			set lbBashMeOOO to 0			set curhealth to 0;			activate player-don't do this immediately...wait until swing finishes, above			return			endif		else;			message "You damaged the door."			set lbBashMeOOO to 1		endif	endif   endifelse	set curAngle to player.getAngle z	if ( curAngle < 0 )		set curAngle to ( curAngle + 360 )	endif	if ( curAngle > ( startAngle + 25 ) || curAngle < ( startAngle - 25 ) ) || combatcheck == 1		set cancelTarget to 1 ; player changed his facing, not looking at object anymore (probably, anyway...)	endifendifend

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Danny Blight
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:57 am

Those scripts were written a long, long time ago. Since then, they've been bumped from the OOO.esp to the OOO.esm and been transferred between several versions of the mod without being recompiled.

They are very complex, very delicate and no one has tried to adjust them in a while because they work perfectly for what they do.

So, why are you trying to recompile them anyway?
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:23 pm

How were they put in the mod in the first place if they're uncompililable?
Because back then OBSE didn't exist yet/was unused so the cs didn't throw a "mismatching if-endifs". The code itself works because there is only 1 extra endif at the very end and it does not interfere with the control flow of the script. If you wanna compile it while loading the cs with OBSE then just remove the extra endif.

	else;Lap's Inclusion**********************************************************end		set startDist to getDistance player		set startAngle to ( player.getAngle z )		if ( startAngle < 0 )			set startAngle to ( startAngle + 360 )		endif		set iAmTarget to 1		playmagicshadervisuals effectSoulTrap		set lbBashMeOOO to 1 ; tells power attack voice to play on next swing		if ( curHealth == 0 ) ; set up lock health based on lock level			if ( getLockLevel <= 7 )				set curHealth to 120 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel <= 20 )				set curHealth to 250 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel <= 40 )				set curHealth to 370 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLocklevel <= 80 )				set curHealth to 490 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel <= 99 )				set curHealth to 610 + LapBashLockDifficulty			elseif ( getLockLevel < 121 ) ; shouldn't be needed but justin case				set cancelTarget to 1				return			endif		endif	endifendif ;<--------This is the extra endif you should remove

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:46 am

There are another two unnecessary endifs later on, but now I know where to look.

Thanks for the replies.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:49 am

I found at least five unnecessary endifs in the gamemode block, and an else that had conditions and should have been an elseif.

And there seems to be things in the menumode block that may be completely redundant.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:36 pm

I found at least five unnecessary endifs in the gamemode block, and an else that had conditions and should have been an elseif.
Oh right, I completely forgot to look beyond the first block. :facepalm:
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:51 am

There's a good chance these scripts will be revised for the next OOO release. Just as soon as I finish some other projects...

So, depending on what you're trying to do, it may be smarter to wait.
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:37 am

There's a good chance these scripts will be revised for the next OOO release. Just as soon as I finish some other projects...

So, depending on what you're trying to do, it may be smarter to wait.

Too late. :)
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:38 am

Good news is that if Waruddar can get the work done the situation will get simpler, not more complicated. So adapting to the new system shouldn't be too hard.
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P PoLlo
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