Fort Akatosh Redux Version 1.3 has been released

Fort Akatosh Redux V.1.3 Changelog
fixed a lot of minor stuff and cleaned different exterior cells to avoid compatibility problems with other mods
improved all scripts and quests in general
added visual improvements like animated flags, torture devices and static scroll resources...
added a stable outside the fort including respawning legion horses for the the player to use
added a small convoy in front of the fort, the waggon driver will provide travell services ( to cities only atm) for legion members
added two new wooden docks , one can be used for a player owned pilotable sailing ship
added coming and going ships from Skyrim and Hammerfell
added coming and going soldiers from Blackmarsh and Morrowind,
added a coming and going Nightblade and Argonian Inquisitor
improved the AI of the watch tower garrisons ( which show up after finishing the 1. quest) the new squads stationed at the Hammerfell,Skyrim and Blackmarsh watch towers will go on patrol 3 days a week (Mo,We;Fr at 8:00)...joining them is great fun ( no quest though !)
attached a small spearman script to some soldiers so that they are holding their spears properly
added two new quests to allow the player to climb up the imperial legion ranks to watchman and sergeant
moved the Elsweyr tower back to its original location ( Note this will conflict with Feudal Empire)
if the Oblivion gate near the fort opens there will be now as well barricades and soldiers fighting against the invaders
if the player reaches the rank of Sergeant and becomes the Hero of Kvatch (MS49) he will be promoted to captain
created private officers quarters for the player down at the Fort Akatosh Basemant as a reward for becoming a captain
added a new Addon " Legion Ranger Addon"
added armored robes to the imperial battlemages (Cyrodiil Legion Addon)
Attached the script which adds/removes the player from the vanilla legion faction directly to the legion insignia ring
this will make FAR compatible with nearly every other legion mod that works the same way. This means if for example an other mod uses the cuirass to add the player to the vanilla legion faction, you
can choose now, if you want to use the FAR insignia ring or the cuirass (or whatever) from an other mod to add/remove your char from the imperial legion faction.
Fort Akatosh 1.3 requires the Tamriel Resource Pack 1.4
if you are updating FAR from a previous version you have to create a clean save game.
if you have the FAR Visible when Distant pack installed already, you have to delete your Oblivion/data/meshes/TamRes/mr_silka port/corvette folder
have fun