Thx for the nice report
I personally prefer to battle the 2 necromancer in did you get in and out the Elsweyr tower...this part of the quest is planned as a sneaky stealth the mauraders guading the tower are all levell 50

....what did you do when you found out that the legionnaires are deserters ....I usually jump from the roof of the tower into the sea ...
however..the tading company are on the right track you have to use the lighthouse tower key....maybe you will find something on the roof ....the letter beside the lighthouse key will give you a hint...
As to the Elsweyr Tower... By sheer happenstance was in Leyawiin when I installed FAR. Due to close proximity and the tower shift (for mod compatibility) I opted to check it out before traveling to the fort. Discovering that the tower was manned by traitors was indeed an eye-opener. Caught me totally unaware. But not yet having joined the Legion I thought it best to break off the engagement before any blood spilled and hightailed it out of harms way.
Once a Legionnaire with initial assignment in-hand I rode back to Leyawiin, proceeded to the coast afoot, and swam out to the tower. Part way there I learned that indirect access was desirable. Thinking there might be an underwater passage leading to the tower basemant I searched to sea floor for some time, finding nothing. I then did likewise to the nearby coastal area. Same result. If such a passage existed, I wasn't fated to find it. A more-or-less standard assault would have to suffice.
What I did was circle the tower and approach it from sea-side. Best I recall (and forgive me if I'm wrong on this part) I was able to climb aboard the ship, which exposed me to only one deserter. Though only level 41, (Lost Ayleid final reward sword). Standard close-quarter melee confrontations are rarely insurmountable. So it was now. I finished off my initial foe and stepped onto the tower pier. Crossing it alerted two traitors. Here, if memory serves, I ran into a bit of luck. Due either to my combat skills or enemy clumsiness one of my opponents ended up in the water early on, thus leaving me once again with a one-on-one situation. I disposed of that deserter, then jumped in the water and bested the second.
My memories are even more vague from here on. I don't recall how many traitors were left outside the tower at this point. I want to say two, maybe three max. However many, they fell to "An-Arane Cey" in short order. (One might have been an archer, whose long distance damage I could somewhat avoid (while battling other foes) by careful placement.) Alas, I recall nothing of the tower once inside. If it was manned, I obviously overcame any difficulties and went on to light the flame.
So there you have it. For me it was, as is my usual practice, a pretty straightforward melee engagement. Tough, but doable.
A word on "An-Arane Cey". It is quite powerful. I sometimes think it is too uber, at least when it comes to battling non magic wielding adversaries. (Some encounters, such as those against the Liches found in Ayleid Steps lost dungeons, remain quite challenging.) I periodically think to replace it with the still-excellent weapon used prior to acquiring "An-Arane Cey". But my memory being what it is, I don't recall where I stored that sword, its name or origin. Don't take me wrong., and well worth wielding. (And the quest's final confrontation, just before receiving the sword, remains one of my most challenging and memorable Oblivion experiences.) It just sometimes makes things seem a bit easy. Can't have everything I guess.
But I digress...
As to the Lighthouse.
Spoiler I grabbed both key and note and proceeded to the lighthouse roof. I found cheese and poison there (but only one set, when the note mentions traps (plural)). Looking at them triggers nothing. Nor does slightly moving them with the z-key. Nor does pocketing them. Nor does returning to either or both of the NPCs whose names appear in the note. I rested an hour on the roof in hopes a rat would appear. Nothing. I know I'm still missing something obvious. Gonna try again in a bit, and hope some new idea hits me.
How's progress on 1.3? As you might guess, I look forward to it!
Thanks again.