hey psymon
I guess you have dl and installed the old version of the Valenwood heightmap first and then updated to the new version....
As stated at the begin of this thread the new Valenwood/Elsweyr heightmap will still require Ilianas Elsweyr esp to work BUT NOT AS A MASTER anymore...so the load order of the new Valenwood / Elsweyr heightmap must be for technical reasons !
1.Valenwood esp. ( heightmap)
2. Elsweyr the deserts of Anequina.esp
3. Valenwood_Anequina patch
my old Valenwood/ Elsweyr heightmap used Ilianas mod as a master and had to be loaded of course after it....
This way I will be able to provide a Valenwood / Elsweyr map later on that can be played as well without Ilianas mod
however....good thing to mention this again ...
have fun
the provided Landscape Lod meshes are of course made for the Valenwood /Elsweyr heightmap and Ilianas Deserts of Anequina....don't use the lod meshes that come with Ilianas mod if you want to use it together with my Valenwood heightmap B)
As stated in the mod description..it is highly recommended to backup your lod meshes and textures folder before installing my mod....as well you will probably have to reinstall lod data from other mods ....