Under the sign of the dragon -Tamriel Landscapes-

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:27 am

...just to clear up a few things

the tamriel heightmaps are heightmaps of the tamriel provinces, created by me manually, using the CS heightmap editor...not a copy of any existing map ....which is not possible.
they are made lorefriendly/based to work as TES 4 maps in the tamriel worldspace...means they have the right shape and seize compared to ingame Cyrodiil...

let me give you a few examples...the topographic tamriel map which Kiwi-hawk is using, ( and I used as a reference map as well) is a map created to show how tamriel would look like in reality...on this map for example the distance between the IC and Leyawin is nearly 250 miles....ingame you do this in a few hours by foot....or you take the existing lore maps of Valenwood and Elsweyr...if you try to create a heightmap exactly using the lore maps scale , the Topal bay would have only half of the size of what it has now...this would be maybe more lore base compared to some maps but would be absolutely crappy ingame ( of course in the tamriel ws) as you would be able to spit from Leyawiinn to Senchal....btw it would also not be comaptible with Ilianas Elsweyr mod !
there are a lot more of such things and other technical limitations....so you will find my maps close to the existing lore maps, having the proper shape and seize compared to cyrodiil...but they will not be 100 % compatible with any other map...

a full functioning ingame map for the tamriel heightmaps has to be based on their height or textures map...

cheers and thx very much for the hard work you are all puttting in to create a proper map :-)

I'm not sure if I got a good proper map in the end a,.. I just sailed round it and I sailed trough land a couple of time and run out of land round the end, and I'm not sure your mod lands quite right on it.
I know your real busy but I'd do the fix's if you get a chance to check out where I'm wrong with shape size etc,.. I never done a map before and I find I screwed up a heap, there heaps of inder sea land poped up around the
coast of Valenwood I see that didn't use to be there,. this might need somebody who knows what theyer doing lol
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:14 am

this is what I have released, there to version both support this mod, one clipped to support "Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina" mod.

I'm working on a full map,.. but as iggy is saying it's hell on broomstick getting coordinates right the other worry I'm having is that people
may not like the lag/slow load time on first load with a full map.

Whats up there is Here


I've downloaded this map and installed it right but when I go to the map in game it shows everything way west.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:14 am

I've downloaded this map and installed it right but when I go to the map in game it shows everything way west.

Mak sure the esp is very last in list
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:51 am

It is still way to far west.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:27 am

I did a little bit of messing arund with the files but still the icons have not changed from their positons way too far west. Anvil is in the middle of the sea.
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Big Homie
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:08 am

I did a little bit of messing arund with the files but still the icons have not changed from their positons way too far west. Anvil is in the middle of the sea.

Can you look at world spaces in CS with that esp loaded and see if the usable space is 7240x5228 or something else.

I can't think why it would be that far out less it's cause I make it while I had Darnified install and my game screen is 1920x1200
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:17 pm

Can you look at world spaces in CS with that esp loaded and see if the usable space is 7240x5228 or something else.

I can't think why it would be that far out less it's cause I make it while I had Darnified install and my game screen is 1920x1200

Where would I find that at in CS?
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:17 pm

Where would I find that at in CS?

under worlds worldspaces
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:32 am

Mine is 7240x5240.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:26 am

Finally got though with a few minor offsets that cannot be fixed. I had to make it much much bigger. 9015x6575
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:43 am

Finally got though with a few minor offsets that cannot be fixed. I had to make it much much bigger. 9015x6575

it can be fixed but it's a bit of a pain using those cell setting just be low, by plus or minusing those it will shift the icons.

I do it by making a change in CS then check in game to see whats changed it a bit back and forward theres maybe an
easyer way but I don't know it yet,.. sorry you had so much greef with it
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:46 am

I'm not sure if I got a good proper map in the end a,.. I just sailed round it and I sailed trough land a couple of time and run out of land round the end, and I'm not sure your mod lands quite right on it.
I know your real busy but I'd do the fix's if you get a chance to check out where I'm wrong with shape size etc,.. I never done a map before and I find I screwed up a heap, there heaps of inder sea land poped up around the
coast of Valenwood I see that didn't use to be there,. this might need somebody who knows what theyer doing lol


don't worry you did not mess up anything....the problem is that my tamriel heightmaps are not really compatible with the tamriel topograhic map...I used it as a reference for getting the right shape and dimensions but it is not a 1.1 copy....as I said to work properly, an ingame map has to be based on the used heightmap....I will upload a bmp of my current tamriel heightmap later on today, including Blackmarsh,Valenwood,Elsweyr,Summerset,Hammerfell,High Rock and a part of Skyrim...


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Alister Scott
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:20 am


don't worry you did not mess up anything....the problem is that my tamriel heightmaps are not really compatible with the tamriel topograhic map...I used it as a reference for getting the right shape and dimensions but it is not a 1.1 copy....as I said to work properly, an ingame map has to be based on the used heightmap....I will upload a bmp of my current tamriel heightmap later on today, including Blackmarsh,Valenwood,Elsweyr,Summerset,Hammerfell,High Rock and a part of Skyrim...



is there a way to get a map typ landscape off the high maps that one could paint and make an ingame map from?
That way when your sail round the coastline it's closer to the right shape (getting way out of my depth here )

Think I drowned Cobb here to dropping poor guy in the deep end
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:47 am

is there a way to get a map typ landscape off the high maps that one could paint and make an ingame map from?
That way when your sail round the coastline it's closer to the right shape (getting way out of my depth here )

Think I drowned Cobb here to dropping poor guy in the deep end

Don't worry I got it and everything is just right witha few icons off by a hair which I'm cool with. It is better than having the Imperial City in the middle of Hammerfel.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:13 am

Don't worry I got it and everything is just right witha few icons off by a hair which I'm cool with. It is better than having the Imperial City in the middle of Hammerfel.

Some Elves maybe would like that LOL

I'm glade it's all good now
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:40 am

Mmm, a new heightmap bmp. Very interesting.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:12 am

here we go...bmp file of my current tamriel worldspace exported with TESAnnwyn, including Cyrodiil (orig.),Blackmarsh, Valenwood, Elsweyr (Ilianas Anequina),Summerset, Hammerfell, High Rock and parts of Skyrim ...


maybe it can be usefull for creating a proper ingame map for the tamriel heightmaps :-)

have fun


PS: the file has not been edited ...dimension of the map is 11264 x 8224
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:53 pm

Your making me drool...looking at that map shows me you are Soooo close to closing this in ....When this is done it is going to be really hard for TESV to get off the ground as modders continue to fill this in there will just be no reason to put this Game away and start fixing the next version...!

That said I still have my sailboat waiting to sail around the map!!!
This is Looking Extremely sixy by the way!
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Ice Fire
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:46 am

here we go...bmp file of my current tamriel worldspace exported with TESAnnwyn, including Cyrodiil (orig.),Blackmarsh, Valenwood, Elsweyr (Ilianas Anequina),Summerset, Hammerfell, High Rock and parts of Skyrim ...


maybe it can be usefull for creating a proper ingame map for the tamriel heightmaps :-)

have fun


PS: the file has not been edited ...dimension of the map is 11264 x 8224

Oooh, pretty... I can't wait for Hammerfell/High Rock/Skyrim! Keep on chugging, Onra!
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:57 am

Your making me drool...looking at that map shows me you are Soooo close to closing this in ....When this is done it is going to be really hard for TESV to get off the ground as modders continue to fill this in there will just be no reason to put this Game away and start fixing the next version...!

That said I still have my sailboat waiting to sail around the map!!!
This is Looking Extremely sixy by the way!

thx a lot :-)

I guess I will be able to release a first version of the Hammerfell and High Rock map next weekend ( still generating regions) ...morrowind looks not bad as well.
When all basic maps are released the next step will be to create more detailed regions and placing lore creatures...for the creatures I personally would love to see MMM plugins for the different provinces :-)...oh and new roads and bridges revised for the new provinces and and and :violin:

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brenden casey
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:47 am

Hey Onra,

While designing/planning the architecture and textures for Arenthia I came to the conclusion that the ones I created were better fitting for a coastal city. I want to use them for Haven instead, so not doing Arenthia anymore. You have any idea if someone else is working on Haven as well?


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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:02 am

Haven't seen any posts on any of the forums I hang out at, so I think you'd be the first.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:04 am

Kia Ora

Weird,.. Summerst Isls ia a lot smaller on this than it is an my maps but when I sail round it (well trough the straits and round smller Island) I go round the coast and
theres no land so see on the map,. I found the large lump of land off the maninland tho,.. I fogot I had clipped the bottom of Vanlenwood Elsweyr to suit Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina

I wonder how that would change if one picked up the beachfornt building and shifted them to the proper beach edge,.. I had cut of the pennisular which explains why I near grounded
by Boat
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:37 am

Hey Onra,

While designing/planning the architecture and textures for Arenthia I came to the conclusion that the ones I created were better fitting for a coastal city. I want to use them for Haven instead, so not doing Arenthia anymore. You have any idea if someone else is working on Haven as well?



good idea...especially as so many people are using sailing mods meanwhile...as far as I know there is nobody currently working on Valenwood...

btw I have started to improve regions with harvestable plants, small rocks and stuff so it would be cool if you could post the cells you are using so I can leave these cells out :-) for compatibility

Kia Ora

Weird,.. Summerst Isls ia a lot smaller on this than it is an my maps but when I sail round it (well trough the straits and round smller Island) I go round the coast and
theres no land so see on the map,. I found the large lump of land off the maninland tho,.. I fogot I had clipped the bottom of Vanlenwood Elsweyr to suit Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina

I wonder how that would change if one picked up the beachfornt building and shifted them to the proper beach edge,.. I had cut of the pennisular which explains why I near grounded
by Boat

...you should be able to import the coloured map of Elsweyr (not the extended one) as Ilianas mod is part of my tamriel heightmap...

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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:06 am

btw I have started to improve regions with harvestable plants, small rocks and stuff so it would be cool if you could post the cells you are using so I can leave these cells out :-) for compatibility

Brilliant news :D
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noa zarfati
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