the tamriel heightmaps are heightmaps of the tamriel provinces, created by me manually, using the CS heightmap editor...not a copy of any existing map ....which is not possible.
they are made lorefriendly/based to work as TES 4 maps in the tamriel worldspace...means they have the right shape and seize compared to ingame Cyrodiil...
let me give you a few examples...the topographic tamriel map which Kiwi-hawk is using, ( and I used as a reference map as well) is a map created to show how tamriel would look like in reality...on this map for example the distance between the IC and Leyawin is nearly 250 miles....ingame you do this in a few hours by foot....or you take the existing lore maps of Valenwood and Elsweyr...if you try to create a heightmap exactly using the lore maps scale , the Topal bay would have only half of the size of what it has now...this would be maybe more lore base compared to some maps but would be absolutely crappy ingame ( of course in the tamriel ws) as you would be able to spit from Leyawiinn to Senchal....btw it would also not be comaptible with Ilianas Elsweyr mod !
there are a lot more of such things and other technical you will find my maps close to the existing lore maps, having the proper shape and seize compared to cyrodiil...but they will not be 100 % compatible with any other map...
a full functioning ingame map for the tamriel heightmaps has to be based on their height or textures map...
cheers and thx very much for the hard work you are all puttting in to create a proper map

I'm not sure if I got a good proper map in the end a,.. I just sailed round it and I sailed trough land a couple of time and run out of land round the end, and I'm not sure your mod lands quite right on it.
I know your real busy but I'd do the fix's if you get a chance to check out where I'm wrong with shape size etc,.. I never done a map before and I find I screwed up a heap, there heaps of inder sea land poped up around the
coast of Valenwood I see that didn't use to be there,. this might need somebody who knows what theyer doing lol