It is super high rez. 7240x5228 pixels. That
is a big picture. What display has that big of a resolution? That'd be cool... The parts that's in it? Cyrodil

Elsweyr*, Valenwood**, Summerset**, Stirk***, High Rock, Hammerfell, Skyrim, Argonia**, various ULs, Bartholm, OC. I think that's all. Oh, half of Morrowind too.
Vivec is cut off down the middle cos I didn't have Argonia back then, so that was where the map ended. Unfortunatley I have deleted the image I used for Morowind so it remains looking annoying. Of course,there's really no need to scroll in that direction, as there's no land that fits. And yes, it comes with an esp that needs to be loaded after the Bash patch but before Streamline (if you use Streamline) Skyrim doesn't look to good either, but then again it didn't do that in the vanilla map so we have to live with that. I'll upload a 7z of the dds + esp in a while.
* = based on the January update of iliana's mod.
** = based on onra's heigthmaps including the southern tip of Elsweyr.
***= based on Tamriel Rebuilt's Isle of Stirk mod.