Based on the Tamriel heightmaps we will try to provide plugins for every province of Tamriel containing different things like cities, settlements, trading outposts, imperial legion forts, new quests or simply some nice landscapes.
Thes plugins are also planned to interact with our legion mods Fort Akatosh and Guards of Cyrodiil.
Under the sign of the dragon - Tamriel heightmaps -
Shivering Isles
...later on when the plugins getting more detailed the Tamriel Resource Pack and probably cobl will be required as well.
The first plugin will be Summerset Landscapes and bring the city and region of Firsthold located in the north of the eastern isle of Summerset.
A beta version will be released within the next week

have fun
PS: I started to work on this a good time hopefully we can join forces with Googlepox Summerset Project