[RELz] Underdark: The Realm of Northdark

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:14 pm

One question, did you ever change things over so that companions will follow you through the different cells? I think this was do to the way things were constructed.

You know what is really wierd? I've done some testing on this a while back and I found that in all collisions with that door type instance, that if any encounter was chasing me down (including creatures, driders, dragons, NPC's) they would follow me to catch me through any of those doors. I don't understand why a companion finds difficulty. But I'll ask Melf or look at the scripts.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 am

One question, did you ever change things over so that companions will follow you through the different cells? I think this was do to the way things were constructed.

I looked at those scripts last year. Melf has, or had, them set up to cast area effect spells. The spell radius is pretty big, so I couldn't figure out why the companions weren't getting moved to new areas. I hope someone figures that out.

*edited for spelling :brokencomputer:

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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:18 am

I looked at those scripts last year. Melf has, or had, them set up to case area effect spells. The spell radius is pretty big, so I couldn't figure out why the companions weren't getting moved to new areas. I hope someone figures that out.


Even if we figure it out, I got a question for you Deep. Remember the tightropes you have to balance-walk over? No amount of cheating will prevent you from dieing if you fall into the pit. I think it's the mesh, I don't know, but anyways.. what if the NPC falls? Well I know the NPC will fall.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:14 pm

Even if we figure it out, I got a question for you Deep. Remember the tightropes you have to balance-walk over? No amount of cheating will prevent you from dieing if you fall into the pit. I think it's the mesh, I don't know, but anyways.. what if the NPC falls? Well I know the NPC will fall.

Yeah, I remember that. Valeria actually did make it across that several times. The player just has to go straight across it. If that doesn't work, most companions have a summon spell attached to them. The player can always tell the companion to wait, cross the tight rope, go down the tunnel a bit, and then summon the companion to them.

The only other option would be to make the collision area, for the tight rope, bigger.

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Amy Masters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:47 pm

As I posted before which is also displayed below, I pointed out several things that should be done to reach 1.0 release and what is most important vs. what is it that could be postponed. The following are changes to that list.

1) complete
2) will remain. Version 1.1 will be landscaped with swaying trees (underground breezes) and grasses. Most likely moss will be more dominant than grass.
3) still working on.

a. will be done as a patch after 1.0 release
b. same as (a.)
c. will be released together with version 1.1 (this version 1.1 is nearly completed already)

Currently, the latest version is at http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23153 and is now is being compiled to release as a Full 1.0 release.

Concerning the 1.0 Full release: I am going to address specific issues and correct these before releasing. Below outlines what I have planned and anything else that is critical to add for the Full release added by any suggestions that warrant significant importance. I'll update here accordingly and at at the gamesas forums thread as well.

1) Creature levels, totally unbalanced.
2) Tileset collisions, no more sleeping in the grass. This will be done in version 1.1 release with Shadows of Old Shanatar
3) Menzoberranzan life, an economy and life is essential.

Other possibilities: of which can be added after 1.0 release with patches. This will be done in and around version 1.1 Shadows of Old Shanatar

a. mesh corrections for specific meshes (armor & robes, ex.)
b. body variations
c. underdark expansions (Shadows of Old Shanatar - 98% complete)

So what is being done now? Since version 1.1 will be a simple but time consuming transformation to Worldspaces, we will close 0.59.1b after the last bit of AI is completed for Menzoberranzan. Players will be able to shop around and meet nice friendly, maybe grumpy, but willing merchants to do business with as well as notice NPC's doing things around the city of Menzoberranzan. There will be hostile NPC's and possibly creatures that hold no quarter for overworlders. That means you Cyrrodilian! But at least you'll be able to do some business. This will lock up version 1.0.

Underdark: Shadows of Old Shanatar - Version 1.1, already near completion where Shadow has released many pics on his development of the worldspace of Old Shanatar. So where is it? It lies in the third level of Underdark called 'Lowerdark'...
Once Old Shanatar was home to the powerful dwarven realm of Deep Shanatar. Nowadays only one of Deep Shanatar's eight kindoms stand, the rest have been overrun, conquered or simply been destroyed at the hands of drow, mind flayers or duergar.

Ranking among the major Underdark domains, Old Shanatar has the most artificial delvings, halls and passages, including works of amazingly huge scale. The domain stretches for hundreds of miles beneath....

... which is why you will find an enormous ocean underground with ships and a sky that is viewed as the cavern ceilings. Underground? Yes, with fast travel and local maps as well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 am

This is great news. It should also clear up companions not following between areas!
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:37 pm

Hah! Random score for me. I just made some huge complex ruins of an old castle/fortress/palace with a set of custom armor scattered around in difficult-to-find places. It's just reskinned Madness armor, but it looks cool (i think). As well as a reskinned madness shield to match (all named "Ancient Armor" of whatever type). Also a unique battleaxe (no visual difference from one of the gold dwarf battleaxes I made, but new stats/enchants/name).

I'll definitely feel free to add more ruins.. I like that description.

Hows my timeline so far? Is there a round-about deadline for my work?
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:07 am

Hah! Random score for me. I just made some huge complex ruins of an old castle/fortress/palace with a set of custom armor scattered around in difficult-to-find places. It's just reskinned Madness armor, but it looks cool (i think). As well as a reskinned madness shield to match (all named "Ancient Armor" of whatever type). Also a unique battleaxe (no visual difference from one of the gold dwarf battleaxes I made, but new stats/enchants/name).

I'll definitely feel free to add more ruins.. I like that description.

Hows my timeline so far? Is there a round-about deadline for my work?

On schedule so far. I only have a little left before I package it.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:42 pm

Cool, I can really package my work and send at any time. So let me know when you need it (until then I'll be adding more content.)
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:56 pm

I'm almost ready to release the version 1.0 fully compiled, but first what I want to mention is that I thought about asking a while back for submission of pics taken in the Underdark to use for the 1.0 version self-installer background screen.

So far I found that I only like one pic taken which http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk286/aoikani/23153-1-1241468330.jpg. Although, I have not asked for use of it yet. So, unless anyone can submit anything better in the next 48 hrs, I'm going to go with that. That is if it's okay with you Deep?

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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 pm

Version 1.0 is released for manual installation, with new instructions for installation since requirements have changed. The requirements for the mod will not change no longer, now that the master file is closed. All new changes and add-on's will be a part of the 'Shadows of Old Shanatar' and plugins.

Furthermore, now that it is in full release, the mod is also open for resources EXCEPT for Midas Magic Creatures of which you must received permission from Xilver and any work provided by Nivea and AlienSlof.

Clear instructions for installations are provided at TESNexus and at a later time, a self-installer and/or OMOD will also be provided.

um, nevermind. I took the file down because I loaded the wrong one. I've worked for 32 hrs out of the past 48, so I'm going to take a rest.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:02 pm

Wondered at the presence of .59 as the ESP, while the version says 1.0. Figured it was still to be uploaded.

Glad to see it's hit gold: nice going! :goodjob: Enjoy your rest. You deserve it.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:44 pm

Ok, I'll do some last minute testing and reupload. Tweaked some last second AI's and cleaned the ESM.
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D LOpez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:18 pm

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/download.php?id=56148 for Underdark version 1.0

Performing testing on last remaining AI and teleporters, even though the release is packaged and ready to upload.
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James Hate
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:54 pm

"Help.. me.. I touched a deadly flower, I'm losing my mind", hmm :ahhh:


Inside Veintaur, there is a Sverneblin Jeweler who sells some Memory Restorative. A Drow merchant sells it in Menzoberranzan but because aggression is high still, that may not be attainable, lest you choke her and take her loot ^^.
Version 1.0 will fix that as well as add increased availability in leveledlists.

Another merchant will sell some who sells potions in Menzoberranzan for version 1.0. It can also be found in some cupboards and specifically on Triel'ath Baenre and Ahvanna Oussath.

You can get it in House Freet where you will have to fight your way through a Slave Master, Sword Master and 2 Beholden. It sits in the bedroom on a dresser top.

The frequency of the Memory Restorative will increase on version 1.0 with the Spore Acid Relief potion too. It will drop more frequently on Drow.

And finally, it can be found on Erinna the Erineyes, Eilistrae War Priest, Akordril Arabep, the Tanarri, Silverhair Knights, specific Drow wizards, Aleanath ath'Torlyl, the enslaved drow in Ched Nasad and the Eilistrae Bard, plus many more NPC's. This is currently in version 0.59.1b, but will availability will be increased in version 1.0.

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Allison C
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:42 am

You can get it in House Freet where you will have to fight your way through a Slave Master, Sword Master and 2 Beholden. It sits in the bedroom on a dresser top.


If are playing what is Viconia Return to the Underdark you can get it if when you go to sleep in the bedroom.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:41 am

Ok, v1.0 is done and released.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am

Ok, v1.0 is done and released.

Congratulations! Although I know it's ongoing, still--you've made a huge milestone in what has been a major undertaking. It's the kind of project that all those kiddies eager to create an entirely new world should study, just to see what's required to do something major, and do it right. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm


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darnell waddington
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:48 am

There's gotta be an easier way of packaging this. I'm thinking perhaos I could help and package each download so that the rar file contains the Data folder at the top for easy installation. Right now, for inexperienced users, it's kind of tough.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 am

I agree. When I have a chance I am going to add a self-installer and provide an OMOD. For now, even though that's a lot of downloads, it's easier for those who can't download huge files. The self-installer with version 0.59.1b was succesful. I'll do the same for version 1.0.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:35 pm


Would this be a bit of helpful info on your crossover to 1.0?
changing the FormIDs of an existing module will make it savegame incompatible and will break any other module that uses this module as master. If you have any dependant modules, you need to have them all loaded into FO3Edit at the time you change to FormIDs so that they will all be updated accordingly. ~ taken from http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1033617
Meaning if the ID's are renumbered with your quests loaded, this will update your mods? Or am I reading that wrong?
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:11 pm

I'm going to try and download it tonight. As long as the cell editor IDs didn't change I'm fine. Did they?
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Je suis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:21 am

I'm going to try and download it tonight. As long as the cell editor IDs didn't change I'm fine. Did they?

Nope, they are the same. I was referring to 1.1 and the questions I emailed you concerning the landscapes.

1.0 oh, my mistake. I meant 1.1
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stevie trent
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 pm

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Once you have a beta of it, send it to me and I'll take a look at it.
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