Cool by me, but i don't know anything about setting AI/quests. The region and city is completely populated and pathed already, there's also a throne built but I don't think I have a "fishy king" in there. There's also a large underground/underwater temple in the center of the city.
I would like to let the player wander through them without getting attacked, but I figured that could be taken care of later.
The region looks good. I've added 4 unique locations so far.
-A hermit hut with forge, docks, etc. Including detail-work inside. Nasty little flooded place with dripping water and rusty weapons to trip over, spiderwebs on the walls, etc. Also you can climb to the roof of the hut and get onto a cliffside behind it, which you can walk along out over the underground sea a ways, crossing shoddy wooden planks over gaps, then into a gap in the cliffside with wind whistling. Inside, there's a hidden cave with a little Lloth shrine and old rotten crates everywhere. The cave goes back a ways but it ends in a caved-in underwater passage. Just a little nook. This whole location is near the portal you enter the region at, just down by the water-side.
-A fortified camp, off in the mushroom forest area, backed against the wall of the cavern in a little alcove with a nice overhang. The camp is walled off with palisades, cleared out, and filled with tents, supplies, campfires, training equipment etc. Good place for a drow expedition, or any other race. Plenty of clutter around, food, weapons, armor, etc.
-Far below that camp on the riverside is an old burned down mill/dock/trading post. There's a lot of paths built along the cliffsides and riverside to get there where you have to travel through shallow water, reeds, ducking under branches and vines. The mill itself is very dark on the riverside, multiple-floors, but most are collapsed so only the first floor is reachable. A large creeping tree breaches through the collapsed walls and roof like fingers trying to strangle the remains of the building. Someone has made a small campfire on the ground floor underneath this tree and the light illuminates the interior of the ruined building through all three floors. There are old moldy beds, fallen cupboards, collapsed and broken chests and drawers and crates. That old burned down building is in good shape compared to the several others outside. One being completely sunken into the river, while another is well on its way, being supported by a makeshift post sunken into the riverbed.
-The last location is an old sunken temple, way out across several rivers and miles of underground wilderness. On the bank of a swampy area is a clearing with an expeditionary camp set up on top of it. There are several tents including one that has an interior cell. The camp looks only recently abandoned. Next to the camp is the sunken temple. Though towering above, it looks like it has sunken hundreds of feet into the muddy depths. A makeshift bridge has been built leading to one of the upper tower stained-glass windows. It looks like someone dug through the mud and grime to get into the temple and placed a trap door to prevent the mud from blocking the entrance once more. Once inside.. you have a dangerous decent from the roof of the temple down. Water has pooled below, but there is a lot more open air than you would have expected. The whole temple is just as crooked on the inside as on the outside, so it is a bit disorientating. In the dark, flooded temple, the long-extinguished hanging lamps reveal just how slanted the whole building is by hanging straight down. Old rotten debris floats in the murky water and the only light is a dim glow from the upper windows that are still above ground-level. Dare you travel deeper into the undercroft of the mysterious temple and search for signs of the missing expedition?
None of these locations have any NPCs or monsters yet. I'm still building up lighting, effects, clutter, etc. I plan to add other locations, especially if Sulteric needs some specific quest locales. But it's all helping flesh out the area