
.. so how did you do the kaleidascope?
I have to add more to that museum.
Centered the transparency meshs/ other misc meshes, rotating textures(some based on timescale, others just .Rotate Axis, #, Flipped normals, Inverted, mathmatically placed. Then checked for flicker(the constant problem), used my head and a case of brew to think of workarounds (some I'm still working around), Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,....
But yes, the "kaleidoscope" is working fine, some others I am testing are giving me trouble(I think there is a limit to everything and I'm pushing that limit a bit in one particular situation. I may have to cut the textures in half....) Might have to do with the weather... Will the weather be specific when this is all done? I don't think it should rain, should it, I mean in the underdark?
Anyhow, the tower replica I was working on is done. One single mesh now.
Here are some pics(not done retexing yet.) Think Volcano.....
This looks best in the complete dark. i.e. museum. must use a torch to see...
And it would be nice if you could tell me if these will conflict with anything planned.
The first pic is the base of the tower on the left in the second pic.
It doesn't seem to affect anything in the pathgrids....yet LOL
Built into the little cubbiehole.
So, what do ya think, Aoikani, ShadowLance?
Still working on it all bit by bit so it will look fantastic and work right*crosses fingers*!
