a self-installer using ClickTeam.
Notice: We are currently looking for more modders who are interested in helping. Considering the scope and scale of this mod, the small team we have can't cover all of what we want to do as fast as we'd like. Anyone with any experience, especially interior and exterior design, is welcome to send a message to Aoikani. We have need of modders of all talents, that includes dialogue, voice acting, scripting, or NPC creation. Currently we have a wonderful team of modelers and texturers, but that doesn't mean we couldn't use another. We have need for a retexture of some /Root/Interior/ tiles, and more interior designers for this immense cavern and it's connecting tunnels.
Warning: This mod is not recommended for low level characters.
1. Introduction
2. Underdark Resources
3. First Release
4. Planned Releases
5. Movies
6. Models & Textures
7. Credits
8. Licensing/Legal:
1. Introduction
The Underdark is a realm of cities and creatures that lie far below the surface of overworlders. They struggle to survive and some even thrive in this world of darkness. New creatures, new races, and new cities will be discovered within the darkness. Even new magic called psionics, used by fearful and intelligent, mind eating and mind controlling races. Dare you venture below.. to the Underdark?
This version release of the Underdark: The Realm of Northdark is now at Version 0.59 BETA. It is a complete resource*, totally functional and stable with new cities, and probably the biggest dungeon you have ever seen. Currently it is the base mod of dependency for Sulteric Drum's companion/quest mods The Vampire Hunter and Viconia: Return to the Underdark.
The devteam is at a low membership at the moment, but to see the mod in it's immensity will show you the amount of work that has been placed in it and how much more still remains.
The city of Menzoberranzan, House Baenre, Arach-Tinilith, The Labyrinth, Blingdenstone, Veintaur and Ched Nasad are complete with Sloopdilmonpolop, Ch'Chitl, Melee-Magthere, Tower of Sorcere of which all are partially or completed and on the way.
It is a mod with a vision of many who want to see a realm of darkness present in Tamriel, where one could brave the fearful creatures and devious races that lie below the overworlders. This is their society and their enviroment, and how they struggle to survive and thrive. It is also our attempt, the devteam, to make this a reality and we hope that you are brave enough to venture to the depths of our endeavours in our creations and rendering of the Underdark., courtesy of MentalElf
2. Underdark Resources
========== "you'll never pick an ingredient again before wondering if you'll survive"
3. First Release:
Official preview mod
This release was in all intentions a teaser release. Knowing that it would be a good long time before we released anything, we decided to work on cutting off a section of the underdark and release it to show that we are working hard on our vision and how much the team has progressed. A lot of it wasn't ready which forced us to omit some things, so that in the future the Wilds will be even larger.
Official 1st release mod
This release is our building mod from where all our quests will be designed and for other modders who wish to make mods here in the Underdark.
4. Planned releases:
Add-ons: Currently being worked on.
Version (?):
[*] Viconia Devir Chapter 2 - Sulteric Complete
[*] The Quest of Sentience - InsanitySorrow, Aoikani, Sulteric Drums
[*] The Hunter - InsanitySorrow, Sulteric Drums
[*] The Temple of Lolth - RedDragonDreamer, Aoikani Complete
[*] Menzoberranzan - Aoikani Complete
[*]Ched Nasad, The Mindslayers - Aoikani Complete
[*]The Dwarves of Veintaur - Shadowlance, Aoikani Complete
[*]House Baenre - RedDragonDreamer Complete
[*]Tower of Sorcere - RedDragonDreamer, Mr. Sorry of Balmora
[*]The Labyrinth - ShadowLance Complete
[*]Melee-Magthere - RedDragonDreamer, Mr. Sorry of Balmora
[*]The Nobles District - ???
[*]Veintaur - ShadowLance194 Complete
5. Movies:
========== ~ Wix new! ~ ShadowLance ~ Aoikani ~ Aoikani ~ Aoikani
6. Models and Textures:
========== ~ Najaknevrec, UK47Howard ~ new! ~ InsanitySorrow ~ new! ~ Najaknevrec, Aoikani, UK47Howard ~ new! ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new! ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new! ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new! ~ Wix ~ new! ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new! ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new!
... and many more models and retextures.
Examples of what you will expect to see:
Races: Drow, Shield Dwarves, Gold Dwarves, Sverfneblin, Duergar, Mindslayers Complete
NPC Companions: Planned
Creatures: Troglodytes, Dragon, Duergar, Goblin, Orog, Fomorian, Half-Orc, Sverfneblin, Mindslayer, Drider, Belilith, Netherese Construct, Orc, Kobold, Loki, Cave rat
Ridable Mounts: Lizard (planned), Steeder (in progress)
Locations:, Blingdenstone, Ched Nasad, Labyrinth, Veintaur,
Tier Breche: A college of 3 studies. Mage, Fighter and Priestess.
[*] (Temple of Lolth)
[*] (Fighter's college)
[*] Tower of Sorcere (Mage's college)
Ingredients, Misc Items: Arabellan Dry, Berduskan Dark, Clarry Wine, Evermead, Dwarven Ale, Glowfire, Midnight Merlot, SpiderBlood, Barrelstalk Milk, Fire LIchen Liquor, Rothe Milk, Spore Acid Relief, Spider silk, Drider silk, True silver
7. Credits:
Many have contributed to the Underdark project whether from their own work or suggestions. Thus without the details of all that has influenced this project. Credit should be given to the following. Additionally, to respect the contributions of the authors that have contributed to the Underdark, this devteam requires that full observance of the "Licensing/Legal" subsection is adhered to strictly.
Current devteam members official/unofficial contributing actively, or inactive for r/l reasons:
MentalElf ~ scripting
Najaknevrec ~ modeling, texture
Kielanai ~ flora resources, lore
Dramat De'leal ~ quests development
Aoikani ~ interior designs, project leader, mod construction, lore, scripting
ShadowLance194 ~ interior designs, modeling, texture, mod construction
AlienSlof ~ texture, modeling
Wix ~ modeling, texture, scripting
Demon_Slayer_Rav ~ testing, interior development
InsanitySorrow - texture, mod construction
Euther ~ voicing
Mr. Mirrors ~ interior/exterior designs
Sulteric Drums ~ quest development
UK47Howard ~ models/textures
RedDragonDreamer ~ interior designs, texture
Mr. Sorry of Balmora ~ interior designs
OldBook ~ testing
Deepfreeze ~ testing
Crashpilot ~ lore
Vereta ~ voicing
Tyana Rie ~ voicing
Nivea ~ texturing
..other credits:
Sandor / ST Team {Silgrad Tower Project}
Kikaimegami, Xiamara, Sshodan, Donutz, Cryo_, Cryonaut, Crimenir, Orix, Mdogger, Someone1074, B3w4r3, Koldorn, Saidenstorm, Phitt, Francesco, Karstux, Lilith, Vagrant0, Dragoonwraith, Mr Smiles, Helborne, JDFan, Loth Bonneville, LHammond, SinBlood, WoogieMonster, Xilverbullet (Midas Creatures), AlienSlof, Gizmodian, Sulteric Drums, Linus, Shavn, Liquide Grapics Interactive, Jon Satriani, Dire Storms, Robert, Disturbed, Growlf, Throttlekitty, Texian, Godhugh, Soya, Sam fisher, Walx, Qarl, Brucevayne, Always Z, Mr. Siika, FlyFightFlea, Madmole, Elsixo, Thraxonas, Bg2408, Kalikut, Plangkyef, Alexander, Buddah, GhostWalker71, Wolf2, Arynn, Corepc, M.E.R.P.s Team, Malo, Elveon, Mikal33, Joel Huenink, Alexander Wolf, Grimdeath, Lazymonk, Xmarksthespot,
Credits are not compiled completely and we will update them accordingly as we progress.
The modding community for giving a reason to mod and to those who would enjoy this mod and to all those who contributed suggestions in or out of the thread during developement.
For anyone we have mistakenly forgotten.
8. Licensing/Legal:
You must contact Aoikani and obtain permission before re-packaging any part of this mod. In case I can not be reached, contact another member of the devteam @ gamesas Forums.
Although, use of The Underdark mod is free, we do NOT give permissions to use any Author's material used in the mod The Underdark, or any variation of the name, created by the devteam of this project The Underdark, unless so specified by the Author that it is a modder's resource OR given permissions for free use by the devteam of this project The Underdark. Any other Author's use of material that we use and have permissions to use within this project that requires NO DISTRIBUTION and NO ADDITION TO NEW MODS, or use of their material so stipulated by their original mods, must have permissions directly from the original Author. This is to protect the rights of those Author's, whom have specific or limited requirements for their own personal MODs. This notice will be included within our mod documents.
There are some authors who have graciously given permission for use of their material that do not want their work redistributed in part or whole, without their knowledge and permission. So please, respect this request. These are the inclusive creations of Xilverbullet and AlienSlof. In other words, you may not freely distribute their work without their permission.
Anyone with ideas, encouragements, bumps, or anything else is welcome to post.
Spoilers ~ per request
Directions to the underdark via the two caves Timberscar Hollow and Crayfish Cave. First find the two caves in Tamriel and follow the instructions to get there through the caves.
First, in Crayfish Cave, go to the bottom level called "Crayfish Soggy Bottom" (crayfishcave05), then to the level called "K1 Mine Shaft, Khazad-dum" (TUCCursedMine03)<<<--- LAST CELL BEFORE UNDERDARK.
Secondly,in Timberscar Hollow, go to the level called "Deep Doubleback" (TUCToadstoolHollow03), then the level called "Great Pit" (TUCWindCave02)<<<--- LAST CELL BEFORE UNDERDARK.
The third entrance is north of Fort Scinia (coc FortSciniaExterior) to teleport there. A marker will appear NE of the fort.
Alternate entrances can be found near Blackrock Caverns and Fieldhouse Cave.
The latter two, newly added entrances will give quicker and deeper access to the underdark and the means to exit the deeper parts of the dungeon very quickly. But they too are hard to find, especially Fieldhouse Cave.
In the last update, 4 additional portal links were added to exit the Underdark quickly without having to exit the long way out. They can be found near Faerzress rock, near Menzoberranzan within the Drider area. Beware exiting while in battle, because you may find yourself teleporting anywhere in Tamriel with Driders on your heels, eager for your death. If you downloaded the Underdark Map, it is signified as the bright white star at the top of the map.
Detailed specifics on the locations in and out of Underdark are:
Tamriel Worldspace:
-19, 26
36, 21
37, 21
17, 3
18, 3
29, 9
32, 17
27, 3