[RELz] Underdark: The Realm of Underdark

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 pm

Don't fear the dark . . . fear what's in it.


Notice: We are currently looking for more modders who are interested in helping. Considering the scope and scale of this mod, the small team we have can't cover all of what we want to do as fast as we'd like. Anyone with any experience, especially interior and exterior design, is welcome to send a message to Aoikani. We have need of modders of all talents, that includes dialogue, voice acting, scripting, or NPC creation. Currently we have a wonderful team of modelers and texturers, but that doesn't mean we couldn't use another. We have need for a retexture of some /Root/Interior/ tiles, and more interior designers for this immense cavern and it's connecting tunnels.

1. Introduction
2. Underdark Resources
3. First Release
4. Planned Releases
5. Movies
6. Models & Textures
7. Credits
8. Licensing/Legal:

1. Introduction

The Underdark is a realm of cities and creatures that lie far below the surface of overworlders. They struggle to survive and some even thrive in this world of darkness. New creatures, new races, and new cities will be discovered within the darkness. Even new magic called psionics, used by fearful and intelligent, mind eating and mind controlling races. Dare you venture below.. to the Underdark?

This version release of the Underdark: The Realm of Northdark is now at Version 0.59 BETA. It is a complete resource*, totally functional and stable with new cities, and probably the biggest dungeon you have ever seen. Currently it is the base mod of dependency for Sulteric Drum's companion/quest mods The Vampire Hunter and Viconia: Return to the Underdark.
The devteam is at a low membership at the moment, but to see the mod in it's immensity will show you the amount of work that has been placed in it and how much more still remains.
The city of Menzoberranzan, House Baenre, Arach-Tinilith, The Labyrinth, Blingdenstone, Veintaur and Ched Nasad are complete with Sloopdilmonpolop, Ch'Chitl, Melee-Magthere, Tower of Sorcere of which all are partially or completed and on the way.

It is a mod with a vision of many who want to see a realm of darkness present in Tamriel, where one could brave the fearful creatures and devious races that lie below the overworlders. This is their society and their enviroment, and how they struggle to survive and thrive. It is also our attempt, the devteam, to make this a reality and we hope that you are brave enough to venture to the depths of our endeavours in our creations and rendering of the Underdark.

http://theunderdark.mentalelfz.com, courtesy of MentalElf

2. Underdark Resources

http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m61/Kielanai/Oblivion%20Screenshots/Drow%20Fortress/Dark%20Version/ "you'll never pick an ingredient again before wondering if you'll survive"


3. First Release:
Official preview mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20444
This release was in all intentions a teaser release. Knowing that it would be a good long time before we released anything, we decided to work on cutting off a section of the underdark and release it to show that we are working hard on our vision and how much the team has progressed. A lot of it wasn't ready which forced us to omit some things, so that in the future the Wilds will be even larger.

Official 1st release mod http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23153
This release is our building mod from where all our quests will be designed and for other modders who wish to make mods here in the Underdark.

4. Planned releases:
Add-ons: Currently being worked on.

Version (?):
[*] Viconia Devir Chapter 2 - Sulteric Complete
[*] The Quest of Sentience - InsanitySorrow, Aoikani, Sulteric Drums
[*] The Hunter - InsanitySorrow, Sulteric Drums
[*] The Temple of Lolth - RedDragonDreamer, Aoikani Complete
[*] Menzoberranzan - Aoikani Complete
[*]Ched Nasad, The Mindslayers - Aoikani Complete
[*]The Dwarves of Veintaur - Shadowlance, Aoikani Complete
[*]House Baenre - RedDragonDreamer Complete
[*]Tower of Sorcere - RedDragonDreamer, Mr. Sorry of Balmora
[*]The Labyrinth - ShadowLance Complete
[*]Melee-Magthere - RedDragonDreamer, Mr. Sorry of Balmora
[*]The Nobles District - ???
[*]Veintaur - ShadowLance194 Complete

5. Movies:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcZhvoWdfUY ~ Wix new!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLcMkAjetz4 ~ ShadowLance
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4G7A2TbT5o ~ Aoikani
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErUgECDcie8&feature=channel ~ Aoikani
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pmkYlT1QKg ~ Aoikani
6. Models and Textures:
http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1nc0.jpg ~ Najaknevrec, UK47Howard ~ new!
http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/4567/ilithid02im0.jpg ~ InsanitySorrow ~ new!
http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/843/screenshot2wp1.jpg ~ Najaknevrec, Aoikani, UK47Howard ~ new!
http://www.slofshive.co.uk/content/art/drowassassin4.jpg ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new!
http://www.slofshive.co.uk/content/art/valtar2.jpg ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new!
http://www.slofshive.co.uk/content/art/drowslavemaster2.jpg ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new!
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n211/www182/Screen2.jpg ~ Wix ~ new!
http://www.slofshive.co.uk/content/art/drowswordsman.jpg ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new!
http://slof.kikaimegami.com/pix-valtar/drowmage7.jpg ~ Najaknevrec and AlienSlof ~ new!

... and many more models and retextures.

Examples of what you will expect to see:
Races: Drow, Shield Dwarves, Gold Dwarves, Sverfneblin, Duergar, Mindslayers Complete

NPC Companions: Planned

Creatures: Troglodytes, Dragon, Duergar, Goblin, Orog, Fomorian, Half-Orc, Sverfneblin, Mindslayer, Drider, Belilith, Netherese Construct, Orc, Kobold, Loki, Cave rat , Armored Minotaur, Kuo-Toa, Grub, Phase Spider, Spiders , Ash Fiend , Bat, Gumpfish, Rothe, and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562 creatures Complete

Ridable Mounts: Lizard (planned), Steeder (planned)

Locations: http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/7232/tu8au9.jpg, Blingdenstone, Ched Nasad, Labyrinth, Veintaur, http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/3538/tu4ct2.jpg

Tier Breche: A college of 3 studies. Mage, Fighter and Priestess.
[*] http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/1626/tu7me5.jpg (Temple of Lolth)
[*] http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/4151/tu1vn3.jpg (Fighter's college)
[*] Tower of Sorcere (Mage's college)

Ingredients, Misc Items: Arabellan Dry, Berduskan Dark, Clarry Wine, Evermead, Dwarven Ale, Glowfire, Midnight Merlot, SpiderBlood, Barrelstalk Milk, Fire LIchen Liquor, Rothe Milk, Spore Acid Relief, Spider silk, Drider silk, True silver

7. Credits:

Many have contributed to the Underdark project whether from their own work or suggestions. Thus without the details of all that has influenced this project. Credit should be given to the following. Additionally, to respect the contributions of the authors that have contributed to the Underdark, this devteam requires that full observance of the "Licensing/Legal" subsection is adhered to strictly.

Current devteam members official/unofficial contributing actively, or inactive for r/l reasons:

MentalElf ~ scripting
Najaknevrec ~ modeling, texture
Kielanai ~ flora resources, lore
Dramat De'leal ~ quests development
Aoikani ~ interior designs, project leader, mod construction, lore, scripting
ShadowLance194 ~ interior designs, modeling, texture, mod construction
AlienSlof ~ texture, modeling
Wix ~ modeling, texture, scripting
Demon_Slayer_Rav ~ testing, interior development
InsanitySorrow - texture, mod construction
Euther ~ voicing
Mr. Mirrors ~ interior/exterior designs
Sulteric Drums ~ quest development
UK47Howard ~ models/textures
RedDragonDreamer ~ interior designs, texture
Mr. Sorry of Balmora ~ interior designs
OldBook ~ testing
Deepfreeze ~ testing
Crashpilot ~ lore
Vereta ~ voicing
Tyana Rie ~ voicing
Nivea ~ texturing

..other credits:

Sandor / ST Team {Silgrad Tower Project}
Kikaimegami, Xiamara, Sshodan, Donutz, Cryo_, Cryonaut, Crimenir, Orix, Mdogger, Someone1074, B3w4r3, Koldorn, Saidenstorm, Phitt, Francesco, Karstux, Lilith, Vagrant0, Dragoonwraith, Mr Smiles, Helborne, JDFan, Loth Bonneville, LHammond, SinBlood, WoogieMonster, Xilverbullet (Midas Creatures), AlienSlof, Gizmodian, Sulteric Drums, Linus, Shavn, Liquide Grapics Interactive, Jon Satriani, Dire Storms, Robert, Disturbed, Growlf, Throttlekitty, Texian, Godhugh, Soya, Sam fisher, Walx, Qarl, Brucevayne, Always Z, Mr. Siika, FlyFightFlea, Madmole, Elsixo, Thraxonas, Bg2408, Kalikut, Plangkyef, Alexander, Buddah, GhostWalker71, Wolf2, Arynn, Corepc, M.E.R.P.s Team, Malo, Elveon, Mikal33, Joel Huenink, Alexander Wolf, Grimdeath, Lazymonk, Xmarksthespot, Grey-Starr.ca , Wizards of the Coast, Bethesda Softworks~Oblivion, Exanimis, Meo, Jured, CemKey, css (aka css0101), Jured , Tegeal, jcarl904, BAB team, Shimmer, Eventine Shangea, KafeiDotour, WillieSea, Haama, DewShine, Capucine

Credits are not compiled completely and we will update them accordingly as we progress.

The modding community for giving a reason to mod and to those who would enjoy this mod and to all those who contributed suggestions in or out of the thread during developement.
For anyone we have mistakenly forgotten.

8. Licensing/Legal:
You must contact Aoikani and obtain permission before re-packaging any part of this mod. In case I can not be reached, contact another member of the devteam @ gamesas Forums.

Although, use of The Underdark mod is free, we do NOT give permissions to use any Author's material used in the mod The Underdark, or any variation of the name, created by the devteam of this project The Underdark, unless so specified by the Author that it is a modder's resource OR given permissions for free use by the devteam of this project The Underdark. Any other Author's use of material that we use and have permissions to use within this project that requires NO DISTRIBUTION and NO ADDITION TO NEW MODS, or use of their material so stipulated by their original mods, must have permissions directly from the original Author. This is to protect the rights of those Author's, whom have specific or limited requirements for their own personal MODs. This notice will be included within our mod documents.

There are some authors who have graciously given permission for use of their material that do not want their work redistributed in part or whole, without their knowledge and permission. So please, respect this request. These are the inclusive creations of Xilverbullet and AlienSlof. In other words, you may not freely distribute their work without their permission.

Anyone with ideas, encouragements, bumps, or anything else is welcome to post.


Spoilers ~ per request
Help for the lost:
Directions to the underdark via the two caves Timberscar Hollow and Crayfish Cave. First find the two caves in Tamriel and follow the instructions to get there through the caves.

First, in Crayfish Cave, go to the bottom level called "Crayfish Soggy Bottom" (crayfishcave05), then to the level called "K1 Mine Shaft, Khazad-dum" (TUCCursedMine03)<<<--- LAST CELL BEFORE UNDERDARK.

Secondly,in Timberscar Hollow, go to the level called "Deep Doubleback" (TUCToadstoolHollow03), then the level called "Great Pit" (TUCWindCave02)<<<--- LAST CELL BEFORE UNDERDARK.

The third entrance is north of Fort Scinia (coc FortSciniaExterior) to teleport there. A marker will appear NE of the fort.

Alternate entrances can be found near Blackrock Caverns and Fieldhouse Cave.

The latter two, newly added entrances will give quicker and deeper access to the underdark and the means to exit the deeper parts of the dungeon very quickly. But they too are hard to find, especially Fieldhouse Cave.

In the last update, 4 additional portal links were added to exit the Underdark quickly without having to exit the long way out. They can be found near Faerzress rock, near Menzoberranzan within the Drider area. Beware exiting while in battle, because you may find yourself teleporting anywhere in Tamriel with Driders on your heels, eager for your death. If you downloaded the Underdark Map, it is signified as the bright white star at the top of the map.


Detailed specifics on the locations in and out of Underdark are:

Tamriel Worldspace:
-19, 26


36, 21
37, 21

17, 3
18, 3

29, 9

32, 17

27, 3

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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 pm

Sulteric, I still need more time to transfer files from PC->Laptop, I'll send you the files when I'm finished.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:08 pm

Okay. I need to get the boss battle working (which is very close) then I'm wrapping up the end of The Vampire Hunter where the player and Stoker go around cleaning up after his father's mess. It takes the player through quite a few vampire nests. It sort of gives the player a reason to visit some places they may not have gone to before. I know I've never gone into the sewers below the arena before (that I know of).

Once this is done I desperately need to catch up on voicing work. I have a LOT to process and master (and record). First I need to get the sound working on my new PC. Shouldn't be a big deal (I hope).

The Middledark stuff I can do whenever you are ready (that's going to be the best part of the whole quest!)
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 am


The Middledark stuff I can do whenever you are ready (that's going to be the best part of the whole quest!)

Yep, definitely will be cool there! err... hot!

There is a sewer below the arena?!?! :blink:
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

Uhhm, in the topic title you said: Underdark: The realm of Underdark. Wasn't it supposed to be the realm of Northdark?
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm

I don't want to sound like a jerk or anything and please don't take this the wrong way but why does every new thread keep the pics posted.. tagged as new? Weren't those pics new a few threads ago? ...weeks, months ago? Its just the first thing I notice every time you guys create a new thread ...all this new stuff that isn't new, and it gets my every time because I sift through it actually hoping to see something new in there. I dunno ...it just bugged me. Like false advertising or something. Don't mind me ...I've just been hoping it would get fixed for the past couple threads and figured I'd mention it. Wasn't sure if it was a mistake or not and figured I'd point it out.

rant over.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:55 am

Yes, it should be Realm of Northdark. I must have had Underdark on the mind while writing it.
The pics and stuff, etc.. will be updated at sometime, but it's hard since I'm so busy lately. Eventually it will get done.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:33 pm

The Vampire Hunter stuff I was working on is essentially done except for the Middledark stages. I just need to test it all out. So I'm on to voice work. I also need a cave to put Stoker's father in. Didn't you have some place? What's the cell ID for it?

If not maybe I could put him right as you enter the shadow labyrinth system, before it gets all crazy.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

The Vampire Hunter stuff I was working on is essentially done except for the Middledark stages. I just need to test it all out. So I'm on to voice work. I also need a cave to put Stoker's father in. Didn't you have some place? What's the cell ID for it?

If not maybe I could put him right as you enter the shadow labyrinth system, before it gets all crazy.

Well... that would be AKMiddledark02, but make sure, "Absolutely" sure! you give him the "Tight Rope Walking" Skill, otherwise he's a ... dead man! :D

uh, should we warn the players to acquire that skill too? I'm telling you if they don't, they better be awfully good at jumping :D ... or they are dead!
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 pm

My pc is still down, but don't count me out. As soon as I get it back and it is working I am dl'ing all this again. When I have it back I will let you all know and will be play testing anything and everything I can, just let me know a little more of what I am looking for and I will do my best to find it.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 pm

A map is now available on the tesnexus site. It'll show up as a scroll in your inventory.
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:27 pm

My pc is still down, but don't count me out. As soon as I get it back and it is working I am dl'ing all this again. When I have it back I will let you all know and will be play testing anything and everything I can, just let me know a little more of what I am looking for and I will do my best to find it.

Play tester? You want to test for us!!?? :D We really need it.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 pm

I need Dungeon designers, cave creators, monster mongors with Uber uniqueness in creativity! Anyone interested, please submit a PM to me and a link for your creation that (with your permission) can be added to the Underdark.

1 It does not have to be large, I prefer normal to 4x scale (maximum size) filled with interiors.
2 You may use (and we prefer) Underdark.esm (only) for your resource connection. If you have more, notify us so we can determine if we have it already available in the ESM.
3 No pressure, no hurry. Your time is your time.
4 Anything you create you will be credited and added to the devteam (absolutely of course) and you won't be obliged to some length of development time. In other words, if you have other commitments, no problem.
5 Quality is an absolute must, and all designs will be used for smaller connections within the Underdark.

Any other questions, just ask ^^


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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:48 pm

Yes! I have my pc back!

Yes I will play test for all underdark mods! so a list of all of them would be nice.
So far I only have latest version of underdark that is on tesnexus, and Viconia 1 &2/3.
I will send 2 ppl my e-mail addy, and you can contact me there more directly.

Do you know how hard it is to find 60+ mods?

BTW! Sult I am looking forward to Vampire hunter!
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CSar L
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 am

I found a problem Sult.

When I go to weynon priory with Viconia just after picking up Martin the game crashes. I have not started any of the Saga 3 quests yet, so I am not sure if that could be the problem. What I did to overcome this is very simple, I sent Viconia home.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 pm

Believe it or not I'm still around. Many personal problems I'm not going to get into. If you're curious, ask me privately. I haven't opened the construction kit in awhile, but I did today just to work on some misc caves/ruins (for the underdark). Really busy, but will keep working on random stuff when I can. (and post screenshots)
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Lily Something
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:39 am

I found a problem Sult.

When I go to weynon priory with Viconia just after picking up Martin the game crashes. I have not started any of the Saga 3 quests yet, so I am not sure if that could be the problem. What I did to overcome this is very simple, I sent Viconia home.

That's odd because I did that very thing the other day without any issue! Hmmm...
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 pm

Believe it or not I'm still around. Many personal problems I'm not going to get into. If you're curious, ask me privately. I haven't opened the construction kit in awhile, but I did today just to work on some misc caves/ruins (for the underdark). Really busy, but will keep working on random stuff when I can. (and post screenshots)

Awesome Shadow, glad to hear from you. ^^
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Gen Daley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:14 pm

I figured I would post an update of what is going on at the moment. Earlier, I posted this at TESNexus:

RedDragonDreamer and I were going to work on AI's, but she of lately is too busy.
Nivea is retexturing the Mindslayers (and they are complete except for the clothing)
Mr. Sorry of Balmora and RedDragonDreamer has expanded Menzoberranzan substantially, but I'm waiting for Red to send me the material (I may possibly work to finish up their work)
I have a special request for a unique creature out to a well known modeller/animator, whom, when he has time will attempt to create my request. (Major surprise here)
ShadowLance is still here and working on material.

However, the project really needs more people who can do ai's, simple interiors and small quests.

@ShadowLance, Glad your back. Right now we're working on getting a stable release for Sulteric since I had a hardware failure again. This AZ heat is hard on harware. If you want, as soon as I confirm Sulteric's material, I'll forward it to you. If you are doing updates on Veintaur and related connections, we need to get together and keep updates together. Unless you're working on new material.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:28 pm

I sent a link a little while ago for Melee and Sorcere, I see it in my sent folder, didn't you receive it?
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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 pm

Aye right now its random new stuff, but it could easily be added to veintuar, or anywhere else. It's just nice to get building [censored]e again. When Dragon Age comes out I'm prolly going there though! :wub:
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 am

I sent a link a little while ago for Melee and Sorcere, I see it in my sent folder, didn't you receive it?

Yes, thank you Red :D
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:24 pm

Quick WIP of the ruins I'm working on:


Not much to see, just a far-overhead shot with night-eye and no fog.

But to put it in perspective... the instestine looking tunnels on the bottom left are full-sized root tunnels. You can see the scale of this place by that water cell, I'm going off the edges in all directions. Plus, half of the explorable area is under-water (can't see that in this screenshot).

There's not much going on in there right now, I just finished the architecture/tileset building part, and started populating with storyline, books, notes, an old derelict archeologist camp, a sacrificial shrine, etc. Everything else at the moment is decoration. Statues, pillars, ruins, etc.

Here's some more shots

In the top left of the above screenshot, it looks like some rocky tunnels. But there are sink-holes where you can walk along then suddenly fall under water into a verticle tunnel. The top right and bottom left are just some of the complicated caverns that barely resemble the original tilesets.

This area is a huge temple. Massive pillars and staircases. Half the architecture is underwater. Several sets and layers of staircases. Statues and ornamentation is.. creepy. The far wall that the shrine faces has a rift in the middle of it to imply a closed gateway.

Random shots from around the ruins. Massive statue with the derelict archeologist camp underneath. Water around statue's feet is frozen. Tons of clutter and scenes within the camp. Various places where I combined tilesets, mixed and matched, etc.

Will keep the storyline a mystery for now ;) But basically this place can go anywhere in the mod. Plenty of places to do connections.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:08 pm

Quick WIP of the ruins I'm working on:


Not much to see, just a far-overhead shot with night-eye and no fog.

But to put it in perspective... the instestine looking tunnels on the bottom left are full-sized root tunnels. You can see the scale of this place by that water cell, I'm going off the edges in all directions. Plus, half of the explorable area is under-water (can't see that in this screenshot).

There's not much going on in there right now, I just finished the architecture/tileset building part, and started populating with storyline, books, notes, an old derelict archeologist camp, a sacrificial shrine, etc. Everything else at the moment is decoration. Statues, pillars, ruins, etc.

Here's some more shots

In the top left of the above screenshot, it looks like some rocky tunnels. But there are sink-holes where you can walk along then suddenly fall under water into a verticle tunnel. The top right and bottom left are just some of the complicated caverns that barely resemble the original tilesets.

This area is a huge temple. Massive pillars and staircases. Half the architecture is underwater. Several sets and layers of staircases. Statues and ornamentation is.. creepy. The far wall that the shrine faces has a rift in the middle of it to imply a closed gateway.

Random shots from around the ruins. Massive statue with the derelict archeologist camp underneath. Water around statue's feet is frozen. Tons of clutter and scenes within the camp. Various places where I combined tilesets, mixed and matched, etc.

Will keep the storyline a mystery for now ;) But basically this place can go anywhere in the mod. Plenty of places to do connections.

Looking good Shadow, you know... you have an opportunity to build on the Kuo-Toa ^^.

by the way, I sent out a new drop for testing which will be version 0.58, expressly meant for Stoker's Quest, Assassin fix and Drider fix.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:27 am

I'll take a quick test run through it tonight. Awesome!
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lillian luna
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