Why are all these merchants not even displaying their Elvish/Orchish/Glass gear to me unless I reached some arbitary number they cannot see or calculate in this 'living, breathing world'? Do these merchants hide all their best crap from someone who is prepared to pay for the best for his/her survival?
Not to mention, not every merchant will be naturally stocked with these, but I expect at least SOME cities to carry such items like Elven/Glass and perhaps even Ebony. Daedric should be still a rare thing you have to loot. I mean most smiths have the components you need to craft your armour, so I expect they can forge it and sell it to me for a good hefty but honest price. Once more, I want choice, not the arbitrary level dictating what I can see in their vendor list and purchase.
This doesn't make sense to me, I have about 15K+ [ Not using enchanting/alchemy/smithing ] and I can't blow it on anything useful but more potions. Anyone who can suggest some higher level gears for a lvl 10 and possibly post about if you understand and support this mechanic or not.
EDITED for expanding on my point more clearly.