Going back to an earlier question then, what are the general opinions, based on lore, of which side needs to be victorious in Skyrim for the Dominion to NOT end up succeding completely?
The Empire is still, only just, the thing holding back the Thalmer from complete and total domination of... pretty much everything. However, they seem to be pretty much svcking at it since with Talos banned and the Empire actually having few provinces still under their control, it is made to sound liek the Thalmor are just biding their time, as they always do, secure in the knowledge that they have pretty much already won. And in the game so far i've found nothing to disprove that as fact. It truly does seem that if they lose Skyrim, they lose against the Thalmer.
Then we have the Stormcloaks. Technically if they 'win' then Skyrim becomes independant, and Talos worship might very well be fully restored, in Skyrim at least. That would somewhat undermine the Thalmer plans. Yet, at the same time Skyrim dropping out of the Empire might very well be the straw that breaks the back, especially consider a Stormclaok victory would mean the Legion losing even more military might from both deaths and lack of Nord recruits. They have already lost the Redguards. Without the Empire, it would be the self-ruled provinces against the Dominion. Hammerfell repulsed them, after the Empire's betrayal, but i'm not convinces that when singled out Hammerfell, High Rock, Skyrim and so forth would be able to truly put up more than a token fight.
And even if the two do reconcile, the Empire's situation of pandering to the Thalmer demands won't likely change. And that just means it might be another century or so before they are ready to make their move.
I suppose the Dragonborn really is the wild card here. Whatever is chosen as cannon for the next game, something is going to have to be done. Things are looking bad for existance itself. I'm wondering if the next game won't take place on Summerset, and be about bringing the Thalmer down. Or a ton of stuff will go on offscreen again.
I'm having problems adjusting to the world i'm faced with in Skyrim. So much so that its actually effecting my enjoyment of the game, since its all so grim. Everything, and I do mean practically everything (including factions) are in pretty crappy states.
On the Dunmer they seem to have Morrownd back/still, but it seems to be a 'shattered' nation.
Doesn't seem to be much news about the Argonians, but they are usually flthy neutrals.

Hammerfell was betrayed and badly damaged.
Cyrodiil from ingame news is practically in ruins.
High Rock I haven't noted too many refrences.
The Bosmer despite being 'welcome' in the Dominion, a lot actually rebelled and from what I understand they have lost half of Valenwood. Though I might have misremembered.
Orsinium is back at least, as if you play an Orc they note they will send your remains back there.
Elsweyre from what I understand is in turmoil.
Frankly we need a new, Talos approved, Empire to tie everything together again. The Medes have done well, or at least did up until Titus II, but I vote Dragonborn for Emperor. =P